Events archive

13.03.2024 bis 15.03.2024 | Conference
„Transforming Sequences: Change through Formulation Suggestions in Messenger-Supported Group Therapy"
Lecture by JProf. Dr. Susanne Kabatnik

26.02.2024 bis 01.03.2024 | Conference
TCDH at DHd2024 in Passau
DHd2024 #Quo Vadis DH?

21.02.2024 bis 24.02.2024 | Event
Liszt team presents DFG project at this year's plenary conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition
Edition as Transformation

21.02.2024 bis 23.02.2024 | Conference
Historical wine labels as pointers to places and spaces of wine cultivation, production and distribution: A case study from the German Mosel region
Lecture by Christof Schöch, Claudine Moulin and Joëlle Weis

01.02.2024 bis 02.02.2024 | Workshop
Hybrid lecture by Matthias Bremm and Maria Dötsch: "Kultur- und Sprachhistorische Annotation eines spätmittelalterlichen Reiseberichtes im Forschungsnetzwerk und Datenbanksystem FuD"

07.03.2024 | Event
Numérique, multilingue, collaborative et ouverte: nouvelles perspectives pour l’histoire littéraire
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch

13.02.2024 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Rüdiger Singer in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"

06.02.2024 | Event
Lecture by Sarah Wagner in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"From inventory to knowledge graph - media and models of object documentation"

23.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Caroline Jansky in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"The key thing is "open"? Publishing digital humanities"

17.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Simon Suttmann (Freiburg): Spielregeln und soziale Praxis. Rangkommunikation im Spiegel der süditalienischen Historiographie um 1100
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.

16.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Andreas Lüschow in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"Centralized, distributed, and always in between - interfaces, metadata and digital humanities"

10.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Rüdiger Singer in the Auditorium of the Bern University of the Arts
Caricature rhetoric: text-image patterns in "The Cartoonist's Armory"
30.11.2023 bis 01.12.2023 | Workshop
Scientific Workshop: Digitization, Networking, Reuse - Tasks and Potentials of Low German Dialect Lexicography

10.10.2023 bis 11.10.2023 | Workshop
MiMoText at International Workshop | Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikibase: Usage Scenarios for Literary Studies

20.09.2023 bis 21.09.2023 | Workshop
Online-Workshop: Linked Open Data for Digital Editions and Text Collections

18.09.2023 bis 19.09.2023 | Workshop
Hybrid Workshop: Patterns of Political Press Caricature
Interdisciplinary perspectives

25.07.2023 bis 26.07.2023 | Workshop
Workshop at TCDH: Remembrance of Strings Past
Modeling bibliographic data for Proust research

10.07.2023 bis 14.07.2023 | Conference
Conference: “DH 2023: Collaboration as opportunity”

06.07.2023 bis 08.07.2023 | Workshop
International Workshop: Information Modification and Loss
Co-organized by Professor Dr. Claudine Moulin

23.03.2023 bis 25.03.2023 | Conference
Lecture by Senior Fellow Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer: „Fortritt“ und „Sensible Wege“: Dissonante Allegorien bei Erich Fried und Reiner Kunze
„Barocke Gegenwartslyrik. Referenzen – Aneignungen - Aktualisierungen“

23.03.2023 bis 24.03.2023 | Conference
Conference: Book Art and Image Design around 1000. The Discourse of the Ottonian Era

13.03.2023 bis 17.03.2023 | Conference
Conference: DHd2023: „Open Humanities, Open Culture“

13.03.2023 bis 13.03.2023 | Conference
Workshop: “SPARQL for (digital) humanities scholars - Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBase”.
Contribution to DHd2023

27.02.2023 bis 28.02.2023 | Workshop
Workshop: Using and Developing Software for Keyness Analysis

23.02.2023 bis 24.02.2023 | Conference
The German Letter in the 18th Century
Creation of a database and a cooperative network for the digitization and research of the German letter in the period of the Enlightenment

22.02.2023 bis 24.02.2023 | Conference
German Narratives on Russia's War in Ukraine Positions and Counter-Positions
Conference as part of the Volkswagen Foundation's "War in Ukraine" theme week

22.02.2023 bis 24.02.2023 | Conference
Lecture by Senior Fellow Dr Rüdiger Singer: Eichendorff meets Avantgarde: Collage/Montage in Nora Krug's Adaptation of „Der Jäger Abschied“.
Symposium „Collage/Montage in Art and Literature from the 1960s to Now“

16.02.2023 bis 17.02.2023 | Conference
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis: "From Perler Hasenberg to Lehmener Würzlay - Digitally Exploring Wine Labels"
Digital is better? Collection Research in the Digital Age

13.02.2023 bis 17.02.2023 | Event
Love Data Week
#FDMPower in der weltweiten Love Data Week 2023

08.02.2023 bis 08.02.2023 | Event
Just read it right, there is a lot in it after all
Letters of Friedrich and Dorothea Schlegel from the years 1811 to 1814

06.12.2023 | Event
Lecture by Antonin Charrié-Benoist (Paris): Pour une prosopographie de la vie intellectuelle dans la Ravenne altomédiévale
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.

29.11.2023 | Event
Lecure by Sven Ködel (Paris): Französische Bibliotheks- und Archivlandschaft digital ergründen
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.

15.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Isabel Kimpel und Jonas Narchi (Heidelberg): Von Pergament zu PDF? Ein Praxiseinblick in Editionsprojekte zu Anselm von Havelberg und Caesarius von Heisterbach
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.

10.11.2023 | Workshop
"From the Body in Text to the Figure in History: Workshop on Physiognomic Character Description"
Workshop as part of the MiMoText Network

08.11.2023 | Workshop
"Reconstructing Bookscapes. A digital investigation on the private libraries of 18th-century princesses."
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis

08.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Soumaya Daoussi (Saint-Denis): De Rumersberg à Remiremont, histoire des femmes et d’une abbaye entre l’Empire et le royaume de France
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
![Wikidata in the Linked Open Data Cloud. Databases indicated as circles (with wikidata labelled as ‘WD’), with grey lines linking databases in the network if their data is aligned. (Layout by graphopt algorithm by the igraph package in [R]. Data from](/sites/default/files/styles/mittel_kleiner/public/2023-11/Wikidata_in_the_Linked_Open_Data_cloud_2020-08-20.jpg?itok=iyf-BuRK)
07.11.2023 | Workshop
"Semantic Web and Linked Open Data: A hands-on workshop for beginners"
Workshop by Dr. Joëlle Weis

06.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Nicola McLelland (University of Nottingham) in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"Adelung's English-German Dictionary (1783, 1796): Deception and More"

20.10.2023 | Workshop
Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 20.10.2023

11.10.2023 | Workshop
Hybrid Workshop: Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Text in Romance Languages

05.10.2023 | Event
Liszt project presented at the annual conference of the Society for Music Research in Saarbrücken

05.10.2023 | Conference
The project Destroyed Cultural Heritage presents itself at FORGE23

22.09.2023 | Conference
Lecture by Dr. Claudia Bamberg: "Digital Edition of the Correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel: Concept - Practice - Usage"
as part of the conference "Transformation, Value, and Impact of Editions - 50 Years of the Working Group for Philosophical Editions"

20.09.2023 | Conference
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis: "Academic Precarity between Premodernity and Modernity"
as part of the 54th German Historians' Conference at the University of Leipzig

26.07.2023 | Event
Information event on the Master Science program Digital Humanities at the University of Trier

10.07.2023 | Event
Investigating Measures of Distinctiveness for the Genre-Based Classification of Entire Novels
SIG DLS Workshop at DH2023

10.07.2023 | Event
Workshop: SPARQL for (Digital) Humanists – Querying Wikidata and the MiMoTextBase
Contribution to DHd2023

03.07.2023 | Event
“Towards an ontology for literary history: issues of complexity and scale when constructing the MiMoTextBase”
Presentation by Maria Hinzmann and Christof Schöch in the context of an online workshop

29.06.2023 | Conference
Digital Editions and Research Infrastructures at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities: Workflow - Practice - Examples
Vortrag von Claudia Bamberg im Rahmen der Tagung "Editionsförderung im 21. Jahrhundert"

28.06.2023 | Event
Lecture by Eva le Roux (Artois): La réception de Platon dans la Castille du XVè siècle: le cas du Razonamiento de Pero Díaz de Toledo (1458-1460)
In the context of the event series for young scientists

28.06.2023 | Event
Save the Date – Launch of the online portal “Societies under German Occupation”
The online portal "Societies under German Occupation" will be launched

23.06.2023 | Conference
Dr. Claudia Bamberg: Movement as a Neo-Romantic Life Practice? The Media of Sports and their Aesthetics in the Vienna Modern Age
Lecture in the context of the conference "Ghostly Technology. Neuromantic reflections on technology and media around 1900".

07.06.2023 | Event
Lecture by Ariadne Baresch: Proust numérique: Digitale Methoden zur vergleichenden Analyse in Comic- und Filmadaptionen zu Marcel Proust’s 'Auf der Suche nach der verlorenen Zeit'
In the context of the event series for young scientists

17.05.2023 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis and colleagues: „Tout Vienne me riait“. Familiäre und höfische Beziehungen in den Memoiren der Gräfin Luise Charlotte von Schwerin (1684−1732)
In the context of the Jour fixe of the Institut für die Erforschung der Frühen Neuzeit in cooperation with Geschichte am Mittwoch

17.05.2023 | Event
Lecture by Mareike König (Paris): Viele Daten und dann? Über die Valorisierung und Sichtbarmachung von während der Dissertation gesammelten (Online)-Materialien
In the context of the event series for young scientists
11.05.2023 | Event
Lecture by Prof. Christof Schöch: “Linked Open Literary History / L’histoire littéraire ouverte en réseau”.
18th-19th century French literature and distant reading

02.05.2023 | Event
Training: About LIDO in education and the project "Zerstörtes Kulturgut"

01.05.2023 | Conference
Save the Date - Call for Papers „Edition als Transformation - Bedingungen, Formen, Interessen und Ziele editorischer Präsentationen“
Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition an der Bergischen Universität Wuppertal

27.04.2023 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis: "Reconstructing bookscapes. Princesses as book collectors in eighteenth-century Germany"
In context of the FNZ-Colloquium in the summer semester 2023

04.04.2023 | Event
Lecture by Prof. Christof Schöch: Pour une histoire littéraire ouverte et en réseau: le projet Mining and Modeling Text
Linked Open Data and Literary History

17.03.2023 | Event
Why should we trust biotechnology and science?
Digital panel discussion as part of the WissKomm Academy

09.03.2023 | Event
The use of Metaphors in the Communication of Science
Event within the WissKomm Academy

15.02.2023 | Event
Quo Vadis. Exploring knowledge spaces (digitally)
Event series for young scientists

06.02.2023 | Event
Lecture by Prof. Claudine Moulin: Richtig oder Falsch? Zweifelsfälle der deutschen Gegenwartssprache und ihre sprachhistorische Einordnung
Research content, questions, working methods and results from different scientific areas of the University of Trier.

30.01.2023 | Event
Lecture by Carolin Geib: Ich glaube ein ewigſ leben – „Objektbiographie“ und Ego-Dokument
Examination concepts of the Bible (1541) of the silk embroiderer Hans Plock

27.01.2023 | Workshop
Workshop announcement: “Perspectives on Digital Humanities in Japan and Germany”

07.11.2022 bis 07.11.2022 | Event
Higher education teaching in the digital age
Panel discussion (digital)
28.10.2022 bis 29.10.2022 | Event
Lecture by Tinghui Duan: Romantic Code - Computational Linguistic Modeling of Literary Romanticism
IV. Colloquium of the DFG Network Current Perspectives in Romantic Studies | Theories, Methods, Readings

19.10.2022 bis 19.10.2022 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Claudia Bamberg Goethe Society Oldenburg

19.10.2022 bis 19.10.2022 | Event
Science communication in museums
Digital panel discussion as part of the WissKomm Academy

18.10.2022 bis 18.10.2022 | Event
Master's orientation events in winter semester 2022/23

15.10.2022 bis 15.10.2022 | Conference
Save the Date - Call for Papers „Buchkunst und Bildgestaltung um 1000.“
Der Diskurs der ottonischen Epoche „Tagung in der wissenschaftlichen Bibliothek Trier“

12.10.2022 bis 12.10.2022 | Workshop
Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 12.10.2022

07.10.2022 bis 10.10.2022 | Workshop
Workshop for the WKT research cluster “Digital Hermeneutics” - University of Rostock
Digital editions

29.09.2022 bis 29.09.2022 | Event
Lecture: "Research data – legal aspects and scientific demands (data use, TDM): a look into German practice".
German-French Meeting on Copyrighted Works in Digital Libraries.

25.09.2022 bis 28.09.2022 | Conference
27th German Conference of Germanists on the framework topic "Ambiguities" at the University of Paderborn

27.09.2022 bis 27.09.2022 | Event
Information day for prospective students
Language, technology, media

26.09.2022 bis 27.09.2022 | Conference
Lecture by Prof Claudine Moulin: „Words, words, words – Prolegomena for a Digital Edition of the Shakespeare Translations of August Wilhelm Schlegel“
Atelier „Éditions critiques numériques et multilinguisme“

25.07.2022 bis 29.07.2022 | Conference
DH2022 Tokyo
Digital Humanities 2022 – Responding to Asian Diversity

18.07.2022 bis 29.07.2022 | Workshop
International Summer School – HAB - Herzog August Bibliothek
What is the value of things? Concepts of an economy of collection

12.07.2022 bis 16.07.2022 | Conference
XX International EURALEX Congress: “Dictionaries and Society”

![August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-01-22]. Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.21,Nr.10 (Handschrift), hier Digitalisat S. ;](/sites/default/files/styles/mittel_kleiner/public/2022-06/Forschungskolloquium%20des%20TCDH%283%29.png?itok=z6FImC4H)
30.06.2022 bis 01.07.2022 | Workshop
Workshop at the German Romanticism Museum/Free German High Foundation on the female letter correspondents of Novalis and Friedrich Schlegel

23.06.2022 bis 24.06.2022 | Conference
Conference: „Die Rückkehr des Wigalois“
A 15th Century Manuscript at the Center of New Research Approaches

17.06.2022 bis 18.06.2022 | Conference
The dark side of the university
Academic precarity in the longue durée, ca. 1150 - 1945

13.06.2022 bis 16.06.2022 | Conference
Conference: The Shakespeare Translations of August Wilhelm Schlegel and the Tieck Circle. Context - History - Edition
in cooperation with the Commission for the Edition of Texts since the 18th Century in the Working Group for Germanic Edition and the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB)

07.06.2022 bis 08.06.2022 |
ELEXIS: Showcase Event from Α to Ω:
Outcomes, Sustainability & Afterlife of a new European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

04.06.2022 bis 04.06.2022 | Conference
Lecture by Joëlle Weis: Data Disillusionment: Confessions of a Project Leader
Datafication in the Historical Humanities: Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data

02.06.2022 bis 03.06.2022 | Workshop
Kick-off meeting: Paul Fleming “Complete Edition of the Latin and German Works of Paul Fleming with Translation of the Latin Works and Commentary and Indexes to the Complete Works”

01.06.2022 bis 02.06.2022 | Conference
Conference: “1st Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies”

13.05.2022 bis 13.05.2022 | Conference
Öffentliche Tagung: „Das Fortwirken Roms in der Bildungsgeschichte des Mittelalters“

21.04.2022 bis 22.04.2022 | Conference
Distant Reading for European Literary History: Closing Conference

21.04.2022 bis 22.04.2022 | Conference
Sentence length across ELTeC collections and Gutenberg Fiction
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the "Distant Reading Closing Conference"

30.03.2022 bis 01.04.2022 | Conference
Collectors, Collection, Network
A conference on the network implications of collecting practices and collecting research

22.01.2022 bis 27.03.2022 | Exhibition
Opening of the interactive exhibition “Happiness. On collecting and sharing”
Articles of the Trier Dictionary Network incorporated into the exhibition

21.03.2022 bis 23.03.2022 | Workshop
What is ELTeC all about?
Lecture by Christoph Schöch at the "Belgrade Training School 2022: Exploring ELTeC: Use-Cases for Information Extraction and Analysis"

16.03.2022 bis 17.03.2022 | Conference
From cosmic-divine order to museum collection? A master narrative as an order of knowledge
Lecture in the context of the conference "Arranging and Disentangling Knowledge - from Analog to Digital Europe?"

07.03.2022 bis 11.03.2022 | Conference
DHd 2022 – Cultures of digital memory
8th Annual Conference of the Association “Digital Humanities in the German-speaking countries”

25.02.2022 bis 26.02.2022 | Event
Deviation of Proportions as the Basis for a Keyness Measure
Lecture by Keli Du, Julia Dudar, Cora Rok and Christof Schöch at the "43. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft (DGfS): Modell und Evidenz"

10.02.2022 bis 11.02.2022 | Conference
Digital Medieval Studies: Perspectives of the Digital Humanities for Ancient German Studies
Lecture: Digital Infrastructure and Research Data Management - Short Statements and Discussion

04.02.2022 bis 05.02.2022 | Conference
Graphs and Networks in the Humanities 2022: Technologies, Models, Analyses, and Visualizations
6th International Conference, Amsterdam

15.12.2022 | Event
Anticipation not only in Berlin
Berlin colleagues launch the virtual research environment for the Berlin Kunstkammer.

06.12.2022 | Event
Lecture by Henning Bovenkerk (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, MiMo Text Fellow)
Quantitative Social History and Digital Humanities: Digital methods for the evaluation of serial sources
22.11.2022 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Stefan Hessbrüggen-Walter (MiMoText Fellow): "Canons of the Enlightenment: a workshop report".
27.10.2022 | Event
The classical ballet from a linguistic perspective
Dayana Markhabayeva reports on the research project
25.10.2022 | Event
Lecture by Tanja Tu (IDS Mannheim): About her way into the Digital Humanities

28.09.2022 | Conference
27th German Conference of Germanists on the framework topic “Ambiguities” at the University of Paderborn
Panel: “Ambiguities in the Digital Humanities”

27.09.2022 | Conference
das der acht hab vnd merck auff die virgel / punctẽ vnd vnderschayd / [...]. Mehrdeutigkeiten von Interpunktion in frühneuhochdeutschen Handschriften
Lecture in the context of the 27th German Conference of Germanists on the framework topic "Ambiguities" at the University of Paderborn

28.07.2022 | Conference
Short presentation at the DH2022 Tokyo
Mining and Modeling Spaces and Places for Literary History as Linked Open Data

14.07.2022 | Event
Lecture by Dr Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter in the context of the research colloquium "Digital Perspectives", SoSe 2022
The canons of the Enlightenment: multidisciplinary, multilingual, digital

14.07.2022 | Conference
Lecture by Joëlle Weis: Reconstructing Bookscapes – Female Book Collectors in Early Modern Germany
Panel Title: Book browsers, collectors and portable dictionaries

07.07.2022 | Event
Lecture by Tatjana Tönsmeyer, Agnes Laba, Matthias Bremm (Wuppertal) in the context of the Research Colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
„Societies under German Occupation – Experiences and Everyday Life in World War II“: Gegenstand, editorisches Anliegen, technische Umsetzung, Usability

07.07.2022 | Event
“Topic Modeling in Action”
Opportunities and challenges in analyzing tweets & novels with R & Python

30.06.2022 | Event
Lecture by Keli Du (Trier) in the context of the Research Colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
Towards an understanding of LDA Topic Modeling: an evaluation from a digital humanities perspective

24.06.2022 | Event
Experience digitalization!
The third nationwide Digitaltag awaits with many exciting actions!

23.06.2022 | Event
Kick-off Meeting: Correspondences of Early Romanticism
Project launch and FuD workshop

23.06.2022 | Event
Lecture by Jenny Bryś, Claudia Häfner, Christian Thomas (Weimar) in the context of the research colloquium "Digital Perspectives", SoSe 2022
„Die Zeit verschiebt nicht nur die Zwecke, Auch andre Mittel fordert sie.“ Die digitale Edition der „Briefe an Goethe“ innerhalb der PROPYLÄEN. Goethes Biographica

16.06.2022 | Conference
Hamlet - digitally edited
Lecture in the context of the conference "The Shakespeare Translations of August Wilhelm Schlegel and the Tieck Circle: Context - History - Edition".
15.06.2022 | Conference
„Blitze von Luʃtigkeit, wackrer Krieger und Liebsgetändel“.
Lexical Creativity at the Interface of Romantic Language Theory and "Poetic" Translation in A.W. Schlegel's "Hamlet" Manuscript

09.06.2022 | Event
Lecture by Ariadne Baresch (Trier) in the context of the Research Colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
“The Prisoner” - Representation of the character Albertine in Marcel Proust and Chantal Akerman

01.06.2022 | Conference
Vortrag: Evaluation of measures of distinctiveness: Classification of literary texts on the basis of distinctive words
Vortrag von Keli Du, Julia Dudar und Christof Schöch im Rahmen der „1st Annual Conference of Computational Literary Studies“

31.05.2022 | Event
Zeta and Company. Measures of Distinctiveness for Computational Literary Studies
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the "Priority Programme Computational Literary Studies General Meeting"

26.05.2022 | Event
Lecture Joëlle Weis: Johann Friedrich Schannat (1683–1739): Practices of an Itinerant Historian

13.05.2022 | Event
Fridays at four: Outrageous!
Literary scandals of the Romantic period

12.05.2022 | Event
Lecture by Petra Maisak (Bad Homburg) in the context of the research colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
Art and War - Traumas and Survival Strategies. On the Aesthetic Reflection of Violence in the Work of the Heilbronn Artist Walter Maisak

28.04.2022 | Event
Lecture by Estelle Bunout (Luxembourg) in the context of the Research Colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
How do we work with digitized historical newspapers in research? Unexplored sources beyond the cliché of the digital masses

26.04.2022 | Event
Digitally indexing, editing, and networking foundational works for the humanities: Digital Editions and Dictionaries at the TCDH
Lecture in the context of the lecture series of the Cluster of Excellence and the Center for Digital Humanities Münster “Introduction to the Digital Humanities”

07.04.2022 | Event
Lecture by Maria Dötsch (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022
Peter Vaßbenders Bedůartt . nahe dem heilgen Grabe ȝů Jerůſalem. Zwischenbericht zur kultur- und sprachhistorischen Auswertung eines moselfränkischen Pilgerreiseberichtes des 15. Jahrhunderts in FuD

21.03.2022 | Event
Digitale Probevorträge: Juniorprofessur „Digitale Lexikografie“
Einladung zu Probevorträgen und Lehrproben im Fachbereich II im Rahmen der Besetzung der Juniorprofessur für „Digitale Lexikografie“ am 21. März 2022

11.03.2022 | Conference
Evaluating Hyperparameter Alpha of LDA Topic Modeling
Lecture at DHd 2022, Panel "Machine Learning in Literary Studies".

10.03.2022 | Conference
Kontrastive Textanalyse mit pydistinto – Ein Python-Paket zur Nutzung unterschiedlicher Distinktivitätsmaße
Lecture in the context of DHd 2022

10.03.2022 | Conference
Linked Open Data für die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung – Das Projekt Mining and Modeling Text
Lecture in the context of DHd 2022

09.03.2022 | Conference
Literaturgeschichtsschreibung datenbasiert und wikifiziert?
Lecture in the context of DHd 2022

09.03.2022 | Conference
Remembering through Networking: Digital Collection Research
Lecture at DHd 2022, panel "Remembering through Networking: Digital Collection Research"

03.03.2022 | Event
Information and Discussion Event “War in Europe”
Russia's Attack on Ukraine. Current assessments and contemporary historical backgrounds

10.02.2022 | Event
Lecture by Julia Röttgermann (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium
Literaturgeschichtsschreibung datenbasiert und wikifiziert?

07.02.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Die Sichtbarmachung der Gleichzeitigkeit. Arno Peters’ Synchronoptische Weltgeschichte als generisch digitale Plattform

03.02.2022 | Event
Lecture by Maria Dötsch (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium
Peter Vaßbenders Bedůartt . nahe dem heilgen Grabe ȝů Jerůſalem. Zwischenbericht zur kultur- und sprachhistorischen Auswertung eines moselfränkischen Pilgerreiseberichtes des 15. Jahrhunderts in FuD

01.02.2022 | Event
Lecture by Dr. José Calvo Telloin the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
DH in the Library, the Library behind DH: Practical Experience from a DH-Subject Librarian

31.01.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
The digital indexing and decipherment of Maya script. The project Text Database and Dictionary of Classical Maya

28.01.2022 | Event
Book presentation by Dr. Joëlle Weis
Johann Friedrich Schannat (1683-1739). Practices of Historical-Critical Scholarship in the Early 18th Century

24.01.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
NFDI4Culture. Research data management in the field of material and immaterial cultural assets

20.01.2022 | Event
Lecture by Anne Klee (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium
Networking of dictionaries - approaches, problems and perspectives

18.01.2022 | Event
Lecture by JProf. Dr. Julie Birkholz and Sven Lieber (Ghent University and Royal Belgian Library) in the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
Wikidata and literature

17.01.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Beethoven digital

11.01.2022 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Maria Effinger (Heidelberg University Press) in the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
Open Access as a strategy! Electronic publishing at Heidelberg University Library

10.01.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
New Ways for Music Research Using Digital Signal Processing II

06.01.2022 | Event
Lecture by Carolin Geib (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium
The Luther Bible (1541) of the silk embroiderer Hans Plock. Cultural, book and linguistic historical study of the marginalia.

03.01.2022 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Beethoven X: Es könnte sein (It could be …). On human-computer interaction and the musical decisions behind AI composition

02.12.2021 bis 03.12.2021 | Workshop
Workshop: Possession and use
Books in the hands of citizens

17.11.2021 bis 19.11.2021 | Conference
Computational Humanities Research 2021 (CHR2021)

28.10.2021 bis 29.10.2021 | Workshop
Networking strategies between dialect dictionaries - the example of the Trier dictionary network

04.10.2021 bis 07.10.2021 | Conference
Les potentiels de la sémantique quantitative
Lecture by Christoph Schöch at the conference „Sources et méthodes de la lexicographie numérique. Quellen und Methoden der digitalen Lexikographie“

04.10.2021 bis 06.10.2021 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of European Legal Languages (Workshop 3)
Sources and methods of digital lexicography

22.03.2021 bis 17.09.2021 | Conference
Focus on experimentation and innovation

17.06.2021 bis 18.06.2021 | Workshop
Forum - Research Data Management as Part of Academic Teaching in the Culture Community.
Using synergies - interdisciplinary offerings

27.05.2021 bis 29.05.2021 | Event
Mehrsprachigkeit als Anspruch und Herausforderung: Aufbau und Analyse der „European Literary Text Collection (ELTeC) in der COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History“
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the conference "Dynamics of Multilingualism in the Digital Public Sphere"

03.05.2021 bis 07.05.2021 | Event
ELTeC, un corpus mulilingue annoté pour une histoire littéraire européenne numérique
Éditions critiques multilingues: défis et possibilités

14.04.2021 bis 16.04.2021 | Event
Comparison of Text Groups using Measures of Distinctiveness
Lecture by Christof Schöch in the context of the session "Text-Mining and Stylometry" of the Summer School "Neo-Latin Studies and Digital Humanities"

16.03.2021 bis 18.03.2021 | Event
Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure (CSL INFRA): A Starting Community
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the „General Meeting, DFG Schwerpunktprogramm | Priority Programme ‘Computational Literary Studies“

27.01.2021 bis 29.01.2021 | Event
Current Challenges in Computational Literary Studies
Lecture at the online conference "Digital Humanities Now"

21.01.2021 bis 21.01.2021 | Event
Lecture: „Adding value to ancient Greek pottery data: presenting project Lekythos“
Dr Maria Papadopoulou as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"

14.01.2021 bis 14.01.2021 | Event
Lecture: „Linked Open Data (LOD) for research: what is Wikidata and how can we contribute and use it?“
Silvia Gutiérrez im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe „Praxis der Digital Humanities“

16.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Nicolas Schenk (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium
Emil Ludwig's Biographies. A workshop report

14.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Maria Dötsch (Trier) at the Forum Linguistics of the Rheinische-Friedrichs-Universität Bonn
Hye heyfft ſych an die bedeuart nae dem heylichen lande [...]. Einblicke in die sprachhistorische Auswertung eines moselfränkischen Pilgerberichtes aus dem Jahr 1495

13.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Prof. Nick Montfort (MIT) in the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
Literature and the Computational Arts

13.12.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Digital Reality: Models as the Basis for Understanding the World

07.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Martin Kocula (parsqube) in the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
From DH student to XML developer: Field report on job opportunities in the Digital Humanities degree programme

06.12.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
New Directions for Music Research Using Digital Signal Processing (Part I)

02.12.2021 | Workshop
Die Reformation in privatem Gebetbuchformat
Lecture by Claudine Moulin at the workshop "Besitz und Gebrauch. Bücher in bürgerlicher Hand"

02.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Michael Müller (Berlin) and Michael Niedermeier (Berlin) in the context of the research colloquium
Perspectives for the networking of the Goethe dictionary with lexicographic, editorial and archival resources.

01.12.2021 | Event
Lecture by Keli Du (Trier) in the lecture series “Praxis der Digital Humanities”
Evaluation of LDA Topic Modeling in Digital Humanities - State of Research, Method, Results

30.11.2021 | Event
Lecture by Prof Dr Tatjana Tönsmeyer (Wuppertal), Dr Thomas Burch (Trier) and Dr Agnes Laba (Wuppertal)
The Online Edition "Societies under German Occupation - Experiences and Everyday Life in World War II": Subject matter, editorial concern, technical implementation, usability.

29.11.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Dimensionality reduction and image meaning. Epistemic approaches to visual corpora of digital culture.

22.11.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Virtual Heritage: The Use of Computer Graphics for Illustrating and Analyzing Ancient Monuments

18.11.2021 | Conference
Anniversary Conference - 15 Joer Luxemburgistik op der Uni Lëtzebuerg
Claudine Moulin: Digital Lexicography and Luxembourg Studies - Ways of Networking

18.11.2021 | Event
Lecture by Marie-Paule Jungblut (Luxembourg) in the context of the research colloquium
Serious Game: Migrants' Chronicles 1892: An educational digital game between veracity and playability

17.11.2021 | Conference
Zeta & Eta: An Exploration and Evaluation of two Dispersion-based Measures of Distinctiveness
Presentation by Keli Du, Christof Schöch, Cora Rok and Iuliia Dudar at the "Computational Humanities Research 2021" conference
15.11.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Current possibilities and perspectives of digital letter editions using the example of the correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel

08.11.2021 | Event
Lecture Series: Humanities and Computer Science in Dialogue
Digital Humanities and/or Open Science

15.10.2021 | Event
Annual lecture of the German Historical Institute Paris (DHIP)
Traduire le rire. Une histoire franco-allemande

05.10.2021 | Conference
Les apports de la lexicographie historique pour le projet MetaLEX / Der Beitrag der historischen Lexikographie zum Projekt MetaLEX
Lecture by Claudine Moulin at the conference "Sources et méthodes de la lexicographie numérique. Quellen und Methoden der digitalen Lexikographie"

05.10.2021 | Conference
Nuit, correspondance, sentiment
Topic Modeling on a Corpus of French Novels 1750-1800

05.10.2021 | Event
Nuit, correspondance, sentiment. Topic Modeling auf einem Korpus von französischen Romanen 1750-1800
Lecture by Anne Klee and Julia Röttgermann at the 37th Romance Studies Conference in Augsburg "Europa zwischen Regionalismus und Globalisierung"

05.10.2021 | Conference
TCDH with lectures at the Romance Studies Day
Inspecteur, embrasser, planète, Paris - Distinctiveness measures for the analysis of literary subgenres: interpretability, generalizability, epistemic value

04.10.2021 | Conference
Body images digital: strategies for the identification of literary character descriptions
Methods of body capture

29.09.2021 | Workshop
ELTeC, or: Computational Literary Studies goes Multilingual
Contribution by Christof Schöch at the Workshop "Introduction and Discussion of Core Technologies and Projects" of the CLS INFRA

15.09.2021 | Workshop
Contrastive analysis of literary texts with Zeta
second workshop in the framework of the vDHd

06.09.2021 | Event
Die Lutherbibel (1541) des Seidenstickers Hans Plock
Lecture by Carolin Geib at the JuKo "Materialien" in the SS 2021

02.09.2021 | Workshop
Das Wörterbuchnetz des Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Technische Infrastruktur und offene Schnittstellen
Contribution by Thomas Burch at the workshop "APIs und andere Werkzeuge für die Vernetzung zwischen Programmen und Projekten"

23.07.2021 | Event
Topoi of German-language travelogues about India around 1900
Limitations and demarcations
13.07.2021 | Event
„Arthur Schnitzler digital“: Text – Genese – Kommentar
Presentation of Wuppertal Editions

05.07.2021 | Event
Lecture by Maria Dötsch at the "Junges Kolleg (JuKo)"
Lecture in the module „Perspektiven, Paradigmenwechsel und turns in den beteiligten Disziplinen“ des Jungen Kollegs (JuKo)

05.07.2021 | Workshop
Lecture in the context of the Young College (JuKo) in the module Perspectives
Paradigm shifts and turns in the disciplines

29.06.2021 | Event
Current Challenges in Computational Literary Studies
Guest Lecture by Christoph Schöch at the "International Webinar on Digital Humanities"

18.06.2021 | Event
"Digital appetizers": from APFELWEIN to ZYPRESSENZWEIG at Digitaltag 2021

18.06.2021 | Event
3rd digital appetizer: Goethe and the "dog talk" - of dogs and hate speech

17.06.2021 | Workshop
Participation of Julia Röttgermann in the panel "Synergien nutzen – Interdisziplinäre Angebote I"
Panel in the context of the workshop "Forum – Forschungsdatenmanagement als Teil der Hochschullehre in der Culture Community"

11.06.2021 | Event
Digital Humanities, Distant Reading / Computational Literary Studies and the COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History
Lecture by Christoph Schöch as part of the "Distant Reading" webinar
09.06.2021 | Event
Lecture at the "Center for Reflected Text Analytics" (CRETA)
Mining and Modeling Text: Literary history as a knowledge network

18.05.2021 | Event
Topics between modeling and operationalization
a transdisciplinary heuristic for the analysis of argumentative recurrence patterns

06.05.2021 | Event
Computational Literary Studies goes Multilingual: Challenges and Lessons Learned
Guest lecture by Christof Schöch at the “Animating Text Newcastle University Virtual Speaker Series”

03.05.2021 | Event
„Dei delitti e delle pene“ (1764) et ses traductions au 18ème siècle : mise en réseau, édition multilingue et approche métalexicographique
Lecture by Claudine Moulin and Cesare Beccaria at the 88ème Congrès Acfas / Montréal

29.04.2021 | Event
A Typology of Reproducible Research: Concepts, Terms, Examples
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the „Seminars on Reproducible Research”

29.04.2021 | Event
Digital launch of "Fontane Chronik digital" and the "Fontane Briefdatenbank"
Letters and Chronicle of Theodor Fontane available digitally

29.04.2021 | Event
Thresholds to the ‘Great Unread’: Titling Practices across Multilingual Collections of European Novels
Webinar by Katja Mihurko-Poniz, Rosario Arias, Berenike Herrmann, Cvetana Krstev, Carolin Odebrecht, Christof Schöch and Dmytro Yesypenko at the „Day of DH 2021, COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History”

15.04.2021 | Event
Kick-off-meeting: Stefan Heym „Ahasver“
Pilot project for a digital historical-critical edition

24.03.2021 | Workshop
Kontrastive Analyse literarischer Texte mit Zeta
Two-part workshop within the framework of vDHd 2021

24.03.2021 | Event
MiMoText in sechs Stationen
Lecture by Katharina Dietz, Katharina Erler-Fridgen, Maria Hinzmann, Anne Klee, Julia Röttgermann, Moritz Steffes and Christof Schöch as part of vDhd 2021

05.03.2021 | Workshop
Digitale Textkodierung mit TEI
Workshop led by Julia Röttgermann as part of the CAS programme „Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien“

05.03.2021 | Event
Lost in Beccaria, or: Building and Exploring a Corpus of Eighteenth-Century Editions and Translations of Beccaria’s Dei delitti e delle pene (1764) in the MetaLex project
Lecture by Christof Schöch at the International conference “Digital Methods and Resources in Legal History (DLH2020)”

25.02.2021 | Event
Digital, mehrsprachig, interdisziplinär, vernetzt: die COST Action Distant Reading for European Literary History
Guest lecture by Christof Schöch at the event "Digital*Humanities im Gespräch"

23.02.2021 | Workshop
A typology of replication studies
Contribution by Christoph Schöch at the workshop "Replication and Computational Literary Studies"

19.02.2021 | Event
Mining and Modeling Text - An exploration of sentiments in French Novels 1750-1800. Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies
Lecture by Julia Röttgermann at the Centre for Information Modelling – Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities & Institute for Romance Studies, University of Graz

19.02.2021 | Event
Standardization of Written German - Dictionaries, Grammars, Language Guides
Lecture by Claudine Moulin at St Edmund Hall, Oxford
30.01.2021 | Event
In the footsteps of Alexander the Great, travel narratives in French and Occitan
- a digital guest lecture by Prof. Dr. Catherine Léglu (Université du Luxembourg)

28.01.2021 | Event
Das Wörterbuchnetz des Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Vom Buch zum digitalen Wörterbuchverbund
Lecture by Thomas Burch as part of the German Studies Seminar at the University of Rostock

28.01.2021 | Event
Mining and Modeling Text: Linked Open Data für die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung
Guest lecture by Maria Hinzmann and Christof Schöch in the lecture series „Digital Humanities – Grundlagen, Methoden und Reflexion in interdisziplinärer Perspektive“

27.01.2021 | Event
Mining and Modeling Text. Linked Open Data für die Literaturgeschichtsschreibung
Guest lecture by Christof Schöch & Maria Hinzmann as part of the "Digital History" research colloquium

15.01.2021 | Workshop
Von Distant Reading zu Computational Literary Studies: Korpusaufbau, Erschließung und Analyse
Workshop 3: Distant Reading - Digital Humanities in Literary Studies in the Digital Humanities Series and its Research Potential for Book and Literary Studies

17.12.2020 bis 17.12.2020 | Event
Lecture: „Musikwissenschaft und Informatik im Dialog: Möglichkeiten der computergestützten harmonischen Analyse“
Prof. Dr. Rainer Kleinertz as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"

03.12.2020 bis 03.12.2020 | Event
Lecture: „Visual Culture and Artificial Intelligence“
Dr Fabian Offert as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"

19.11.2020 bis 19.11.2020 | Event
Lecture: Digital Humanities: The Korean Trajectory
Lecture by Prof. Javier Cha as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"

02.03.2020 bis 06.03.2020 | Conference
DHd 2020 Scopes in Paderborn
Digital humanities between modeling and interpretation

30.01.2020 bis 30.01.2020 | Event
Lecture: „Scholarly Publishing Beyond the PDF: Publication of Data, with Data, as Data“
Christof Schöch as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2019/2020

24.06.2020 | Workshop
Computational Modeling of Language Phenomena
The workshop will provide an overview of a variety of techniques.


05.12.2019 bis 05.12.2019 | Event
Lecture: „Digitally Modelling the History of Traditional Games“
Cameron Browne as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2019/2020

28.11.2019 bis 28.11.2019 | Event
Lecture as part of a working conference: „HathiTrust Research Center – The US-American Perspective“
Peter Organisciak as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2019/2020

24.11.2019 bis 24.11.2019 | Event
Lecture: „Stylometry, Chinese, and Following the Flow of Information“
Paul Vierthaler as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2019/2020

07.11.2019 bis 07.11.2019 | Event
Lecture: „ONAMA. Ein Linked-Open-Data-Projekt zur Untersuchung von Narrativen des Mittelalters in Bildern und Texten“
Peter Hinkelmanns and Manuel Schwembacher as part of the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2019/2020
31.10.2019 bis 01.11.2019 | Workshop
The house bible of the silk embroiderer Hans Plock (1490-1570)
Ways of development

07.10.2019 bis 09.10.2019 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of European Legal Languages (Workshop 2)
History of Concepts and Big Data

25.09.2019 bis 27.09.2019 | Conference
TUSTEP - structured data - interfaces
Annual ITUG conference takes place in Trier.

05.07.2019 bis 06.07.2019 | Conference
International Symposium: 100 Years of Merz
Kurt Schwitters - from Hanover to the world

09.05.2019 bis 10.05.2019 | Workshop
2. FuD - Community meeting
The service center eSciences and the TCDH invite developers and users of FuD to discuss the research environment together.

25.03.2019 bis 29.03.2019 | Conference
DHd 2019 - multimedia & multimodal
6th Annual Conference of the Digital Humanities Association in German-speaking Countries

10.01.2019 bis 10.01.2019 | Event
Lecture: „OCR4all“
Christian Reul in the context of the colloquium "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2018/2019

24.01.2019 | Event
Event of the anniversary program 2018/2019
Lecture by Dr Friedrich W. Block (Kassel) „postpraepost. Posie und Digitalisierung“

13.12.2018 bis 03.02.2019 | Exhibition
Anniversary year 2018: Exhibition: 20180 - 20 years Trier Center for Digital Humanities
2018 - 20 years of TCDH - 180 years of the German dictionary

13.12.2018 bis 13.12.2018 | Event
Lecture: „Worüber wir sprechen, wenn wir über Topic Modeling sprechen“
Keli Du as part of the colloquium “Practice of Digital Humanities” 2018/2019

21.11.2018 bis 22.11.2018 | Event, Workshop
Lecture: „Digital Humanities for Theatre Research“ and Workshop "Interactive Network Visualization using Gephi and Javascript"
Dr Miguel Escobar Varela as part of the colloquium “Practice of Digital Humanities” 2018/2019

08.11.2018 bis 08.11.2018 | Event
Lecture: „Digital Editions of Historical Text Re-Use“
DrMonica Berti at the colloquium "Practice of Digital Humanities"

10.10.2018 bis 12.10.2018 | Conference
The manuscripts of the court school of Emperor Charlemagne
Individual shape and European cultural heritage

04.10.2018 bis 06.10.2018 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of the European Legal Languages 1
Cesare Beccaria’s “Dei delitti e delle pene” – History of Reception and of Concepts

21.06.2018 bis 22.06.2018 | Conference
Text and data mining - in law, science and society
Conference in Trier

04.06.2018 bis 05.06.2018 | Workshop
Anniversary year 2018: launch & workshop of eLaterna

20.04.2018 bis 20.04.2018 | Workshop
15 years of children's university
Medieval book workshop with the TCDH

21.03.2018 bis 23.03.2018 | Workshop
Spring School „Text Processing mit TUSTEP“
TUSTEP Workshop for beginners


06.09.2017 bis 12.11.2017 |
External Exhibition: Departure into the romantic universe
August Wilhelm Schlegel in the Goethe House in Frankfurt

02.10.2017 bis 03.10.2017 | Event
Day of German Unity 2017
TCDH represented at the citizens' festival in Mainz on October 2nd and 3rd.

29.09.2017 bis 29.09.2017 | Event
City Campus meets Illuminale: On the trail of Olevian and the Reformation in Trier
TCDH at the City Campus on September 29, 2017.

26.09.2017 bis 26.09.2017 |
City Campus meets Illuminale: Knowledge creates light
The TCDH at City Campus meets Illuminale

07.04.2017 bis 04.07.2017 | Exhibition
Exhibition: Caspar Olevian, die Reformation und Trier
Exhibition 2017

23.06.2017 bis 23.06.2017 | Conference
Scientific Symposium: Aspects of Reformation Research

20.06.2017 bis 20.06.2017 |
Event series: Summer party of the University of Trier 2017
TCDH presents the Caspar Olevian Portal

17.05.2017 bis 17.05.2017 | Event
Children's university workshop on the making of medieval books
Letter, book block, book cover

28.04.2017 bis 28.04.2017 | Event
Information event for the DH: Ask Us Day
Find out more about the Master's degree in Digital Humanities

15.03.2017 bis 16.03.2017 | Workshop
1. FuD - Community meeting
Anwender und Entwickler von FuD treffen sich gemeinsam in Trier.

03.11.2016 bis 09.02.2017 | Event
Scientific Colloquium: Digital Humanities in Practice
Fields of activity and career prospects in the DH

04.11.2016 bis 04.11.2016 |
Science talk with Science Minister Wolf
TCDH presents "eXplore" with representatives of business informatics

24.10.2016 bis 24.10.2016 | Event
Science talk with Prime Minister Malu Dreyer
The Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Malu Dreyer, visited the Trier Center for Digital Humanites.

18.10.2016 bis 18.10.2016 | Event
Lecture during the orientation week: Martin Sievers
Five things "from computer science" that a digital humanist should know

17.10.2016 bis 18.10.2016 | Event
Orientation event: Master's degree in Digital Humanities
Welcome to the Digital Humanities course

30.09.2016 bis 30.09.2016 | Event
City Campus meets Illuminale: Trier's oldest cinema - performances with the Laterna Magica
Performances with the Laterna Magica

15.06.2016 bis 15.06.2016 |
Event series: Summer party of the University of Trier 2016

09.06.2016 bis 10.06.2016 | Conference
3rd DH Benelux Conference in Belval
TCDH is there with posters and lectures.

22.04.2016 bis 22.04.2016 |
Master’s Day University of Trier
Event of the orientation week: Digital Humanities

19.04.2016 bis 19.04.2016 | Event
Scientific colloquium „Regards croisés / Blickwechsel“
„Aktuelle Themen und Methoden der romanistischen und germanistischen Linguistik und Sprachgeschichte“ has startet

12.04.2016 bis 12.04.2016 | Event
Talk: LEXART – Words for Art. The Rise of Terminology (1600-1750)
Research into the vocabulary of art

07.03.2016 bis 12.03.2016 | Conference
DHd conference from 7th to 12th March 2016 in Leipzig

15.02.2016 | Conference
Conference „Maschinen und Manuskripte III“
Research with written sources in the digital age

28.10.2015 bis 03.02.2016 | Event
Scientific Colloquium: Building Bridges
Current topics and methods in linguistics and digital humanities

14.10.2015 bis 20.11.2015 | Exhibition
Exhibition of the TCDH: Machines and Manuscripts
Ceremonial opening of the exhibition in the library of the Episcopal Seminary in Trier.

28.09.2015 bis 03.10.2015 | Conference
Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015 „Methodological Intersections“
Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School 2015

12.06.2015 bis 12.06.2015 |
Children's university: everything to do with medieval books
In the eleventh year of the children's university, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities takes you into the world of medieval scriptoria.

19.05.2015 bis 19.05.2015 | Conference
„Digital Humanities Experiments“
Conference at the German Historical Institute Paris 11./12.6.2015

10.04.2015 bis 12.04.2015 | Workshop
Workshop on historical network analysis in Bochum
Call for Participation

23.02.2015 bis 27.02.2015 | Conference
Dhd conference 2015 in Graz
From data to insights

19.02.2015 bis 20.02.2015 | Workshop
Announced: 2. Workshop “Machines and Manuscripts”
„Möglichkeiten der automatischen Mustererkennung und Analyse historischer Dokumente“

19.02.2015 bis 20.02.2015 | Conference
Announcement: International Conference on August Wilhelm Schlegel's Correspondences
Conference at the Philipps University of Marburg

24.11.2015 | Workshop
Workshop „Teaching Multilingual Paremology“
Proverbs and their development

04.11.2015 | Exhibition
Exhibition Advertisement: “Epistolary Networks. Letters from the Exile”
Trier University Library

22.04.2015 | Event
Information Event "Mastertag" at Uni Trier
Caroline Sporleder answers questions regarding the DH Master's Programme

01.12.2014 bis 24.12.2014 |
The dictionary network presents the digital advent calendar 2014

24.02.2014 bis 25.02.2014 | Conference
Conference on ‘Possibilities of Automated Manuscript Analysis‘

07.05.2014 | Event
„Wie Digital Humanities gestalten? Ein Kaleidoskop von Perspektiven“
Lectures at the research colloquium in summer 2014

24.03.2014 | Event
Just another turn?
Humanities research cultures in (digital) change

31.10.2013 bis 06.02.2014 | Event
Digital Humanities: Topics, Strategies and Technologies

20.11.2013 bis 22.11.2013 | Conference
6. Working meeting on Internet lexicography
"Questions regarding the presentation and design of Internet dictionaries"

28.06.2013 bis 28.06.2013 | Workshop
„Digital Humanities - Kompetenzzentren in Deutschland“
Workshop in Berlin

10.06.2013 bis 11.06.2013 | Conference
International Conference at the DHI Paris
"Research Conditions and Digital Humanities"

25.05.2013 bis 26.05.2013 | Conference
5. Working meeting on Internet lexicography
"Dictionary usage research"

06.02.2013 bis 06.02.2013 | Event
Scientific colloquium: „Vernetzte Korrespondenzen | Exilnetz33“
„Jeder Brief von Dir ist ein neuer Trost“ – Development and visualization of correspondence networks of German-speaking exiled authors.

31.01.2013 bis 01.02.2013 | Conference
‘Reviewing – Commenting – Blogging: How will humanities scholars communicate in the digital future?’heast European Studies Regensburg, invites you to the
Conference in Munich

18.01.2013 bis 19.01.2013 | Conference
Conference on the digital reconstruction of medieval libraries
The TCDH organizes the conference "Digital Reconstructions of Medieval Libraries".

16.07.2013 | Event
Talk at the Deutsche Literaturarchiv: The ‘Epistolary Network’
Dr Vera Hildenbrandt Gives Talk at Interdisciplinary Advanced Training Course

25.03.2013 | Event
„Botox, themself and millipedes: corpus methods in many places.“
Talk by Dr Adam Kilgarriff

15.02.2013 | Event
„Issues in Building and Exploiting Latin Language Resources“
Talk by Marco Passarotti

13.02.2013 | Event
"Arthur Schnitzler: The Digital Historical-Critical Edition"
Lecture by Dr Wolfgang Lukas (University of Wuppertal) and Frank Queens (University of Trier)

06.02.2013 | Event
"Every one of your letters offers comfort“ – Development and Visualisation of Epistolary Networks of German Exile Writers
Lecture by Dr Vera Hildenbrandt (University of Trier) and Dr Jörg Ritter (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg)

16.01.2013 | Event
Virtual Scriptorium St Matthias
Lecture by Philipp Vanscheidt (University of Trier) and Sabine Philippi (Trier City Library)

09.01.2013 | Event
Digital Geo-Archaeology
Lecture by Dr Armin Volkmann (University of Würzburg)

22.11.2012 bis 23.11.2012 | Conference
4. Working meeting on Internet lexicography
Topic „Der lexikografische Prozess bei Internetwörterbüchern“

31.10.2012 bis 31.10.2012 | Event
Introducing the Typesetting System XML-Print
Lecture by Martin Sievers (Colloquium "Digital Humanities")

02.05.2012 bis 11.07.2012 | Event
Scientific Colloquium: Discovering Digital Humanities / Exploring the Digital Humanities

03.05.2012 bis 04.05.2012 | Conference
3. Working meeting on Internet lexicography
"Automatic extraction of lexicographical information"

22.03.2012 bis 23.03.2012 | Event
Conference: THATCamp Trier/Luxembourg attracted researchers from all over the world to the Greater Region
THATCamp Luxembourg/Trier 2012

05.12.2012 | Event
EGO – European History as a Transcultural Network
Lecture by Dr Joachim Berger (Leibniz Institute for European History, Mainz)

28.11.2012 | Event
The 'BILAND' Project
Lecture by Pim Huijnen (Descartes Center for the History and Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Utrecht University)


05.12.2011 bis 06.12.2011 | Conference
2. Working meeting of Internet lexicography
Networking strategies and access structures

05.05.2011 bis 06.05.2011 | Conference
1. Working meeting on Internet lexicography
Data modeling for internet dictionaries

20.04.2010 bis 06.07.2010 | Event
How to scientifically examine texts
Lecture series "Empiricism, data and digitization in the humanities" in the summer semester

10.05.2010 bis 12.05.2010 | Event
Tragedy, empiricism, Europe
The lecture series from May 10th to 12th

17.04.2010 bis 17.04.2010 | Workshop
The metaphor project
Workshop with project presentation

02.09.2009 bis 05.09.2009 | Conference
6. Working meeting of German language academy dictionaries

22.07.2009 bis 22.07.2009 | Event
Initiative: Geistesblitze - German language
Book presentation on the campus of Trier University

02.07.2009 bis 02.07.2009 | Event
Humanities on the way to the electronic future
Press conference on fields and challenges in the field of electronic publishing

19.06.2009 bis 20.06.2009 | Conference
The library of the Middle Ages as a dynamic process
Third library conference within the framework of the Historical and Cultural Research Center (HKFZ) Trier in cooperation with the Trier City Library

12.01.2009 bis 12.01.2009 | Event
Research in focus
Presentations as part of "Research creates knowledge, knowledge creates future"

01.01.2008 bis 31.12.2008 |
Film project „geistesblitze – der Film“
The „geistesblitze in der Stadt“

22.10.2008 bis 22.10.2008 | Event
Research for practice: First Science Night at Trier University on October 22, 2008
Subject spectrum "Economy - Culture - Environment - Society"
13.10.2008 bis 14.10.2008 | Conference, Workshop
7. internationaler <philtag>-Workshop "Communicating eHumanities: Archive, Textzentren, Portale"

05.05.2008 | Event
Bibliothek und Skriptorium der Benediktinerabtei St. Matthias in Trier:
Forschung - Rekonstruktion - Präsentation

01.12.2007 bis 01.12.2007 | Event
„Der tugendhafte Hund - er frißt!“ or How Heinrich Heine got into the dog
Continuation of the lecture series "Geistesblitze“

15.09.2007 bis 04.10.2007 | Event
"brainstorms in the city"
initiative of the research associations in the humanities and cultural sciences at the University of Trier

15.09.2007 bis 04.10.2007 | Event
„Geistesblitze“ in the city Trier 2007
Initiative of the humanities and cultural studies research associations at the University of Trier

16.06.2007 bis 16.06.2007 | Event
“Open House 2007” on June 16, 2007 at the University of Trier
Campus II: A second location for research, teaching, studying and living

16.11.2006 bis 18.11.2006 | Conference
"Digital media and music edition"
International Colloquium of the Academies Union

15.05.2003 bis 16.05.2003 | Conference
The digital German dictionary of the Brothers Grimm: a 'house book' for everyone "
Conference in Mainz