Lecture by Ariadne Baresch (Trier) in the context of the Research Colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022

“The Prisoner” - Representation of the character Albertine in Marcel Proust and Chantal Akerman

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Donnerstags, 18-20 Uhr c.t., digital via Zoom

Link: https://uni-trier.zoom.us/j/85154523515?pwd=VG9SYWZzY2Vlc21YNkRtRU9yWldtUT09


Lecture by Ariadne Baresch (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium "Digital Perspectives", SoSe 2022 on the cinematic adaptation of Proust's “In Search of Lost Time”.

Belgian film director Chantal Akerman has succeeded where many of her colleagues before her have failed: A cinematic adaptation of Proust's In Search of Lost Time. Critics believe that Akerman's success is partly due to the fact that she did not film the entire novel cycle, but only used the fifth volume, La Prisonnière, as a model. Her film La Captive already announces in its title what becomes clear to Proust connoisseurs after a few minutes of viewing: Her adaptation lives to a great extent from an artistic independence and at the same time picks up on the constricting atmosphere of the original. On the basis of selected scenes and text passages, the lecture will explore how the original and the adaptation can be related to each other and in what way the titular prisoner is portrayed in both works.

Keywords: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH