29.01.2025 | Event
Lecture by Noé Leroy (Paris/Gent): L'identité scripturale de la 'chancellerie' de Liège: Analyse stylométrique
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
18.12.2024 | Event
Lecture by Robin Moens (Aachen): Zwischen Reichskirche und Gregorianischer Reform. Als 'kanonisierte' Begriffe und Quellen aufeinanderprallten: Lüttich und Metz in Interaktion mit dem Papsttum im langen 12. Jahrhundert
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
11.12.2024 | Event
Lecture by Sven Ködel (Paris): Französische Bibliotheks- und Archivlandschaft digital ergründen
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
27.11.2024 | Event
Lecture by Maud Brier (Paris): L'aristocratie en quête du spiritus. Comprendre la compilation et la visualité d'un codex paraliturgique de luxe grâce aux traitements informatiques
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
19.11.2024 bis 20.11.2024 | Conference
„Federated Queries for Literary Studies”
MiMoText presentation at the International Conference: Linked Open Data and Literary Studies
13.11.2024 | Event
Lecture by Moritz Kammer (Bern): Wirkungsgeschichte artistischer Bildung. Das Problem der Operationalisierbarkeit artistischer Bildung in der spätmittelalterlichen Gesellschaft
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
30.10.2024 | Event
Lecture by Teresa Barucci (Oxford): Layers of Identity at the Medieval University: Observations from Late Medieval Paris
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
17.10.2024 bis 18.10.2024 |
A Bring Your Own Data Lab on Historical Network Analysis
Exploring Connections
24.09.2024 | Event
The Ladin-German/German-Ladin Dictionary Celebrates its Digital Premiere
Two Languages, One Click
23.09.2024 | Workshop
Databases on France in the 18th Century
Cooperation and Exchanges
20.09.2024 | Workshop
„Kollaborativ FAIRe und offene Daten produzieren. Ein Hands-On Workshop mit Geovistory.”
Workshop by Dr. Joëlle Weis and David Knecht
12.09.2024 bis 13.09.2024 | Workshop
Beyond Words Project at the Workshop on Digital Genre Hermeneutics
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
12.09.2024 | Conference
LODinG Subproject at the Annual Conference of the German Association for Applied Linguistics (GAL)
11.09.2024 bis 13.09.2024 |
Annual Conference of the German Association for Applied Linguistics (GAL)
10.09.2024 bis 12.09.2024 | Conference
„Editionen des konfessionellen Zeitalters im digitalen Informationsökosystem”
05.08.2024 bis 09.08.2024 | Conference
DH2024 in Washington, D.C.
TCDH Contributions at DH2024
11.07.2024 | Event
Lecture by PD Dr. Benjamin Gittel (Trier): Zuschreibungen und textuelle Korrelate fiktionaler Kritik
As part of the TCDH research colloquium "Perspectives on Digital Humanities"
10.07.2024 | Event
Lecture by Eva Neufeind (Düsseldorf): Die Briefsammlung aus Kloster Lüne: Die Netzwerke der Nonnen aus einem digitalen Blickwinkel
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
05.07.2024 | Workshop
FUD presentation at the FAU Competence Center for Research Data and Information
03.07.2024 | Event
"Women in the Early Romantic Correspondence Network"
Lecture by Elena Suárez Cronauer (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz)
27.06.2024 bis 28.06.2024 | Workshop
"On Practices and Discourses: Early Modern Scholarship as a Network"
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis
27.06.2024 | Event
Lectures by Tatiana Bessonova (Trier) und Vivien Wolter (Trier) im Rahmen des TCDH-Forschungskolloquiums
"Perspectives of the Digital Humanities"
24.06.2024 | Workshop
Online-Workshop ”How to write a review and organise peer-review processes”
Workshop by Dr. Joëlle Weis at the Graduate Center of the University of Trier
19.06.2024 | Event
Lecture by Virgile Régnier (Paris/Lyon): La diplomatique numérique comme méthode quantitative pour l’histoire médiévale
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
13.06.2024 | Event
Lecture by Anna Traurig (Würzburg): „William Lovell digital“. Ein Editions- und Buchprojekt.
As part of the TCDH research colloquium "Perspectives on Digital Humanities"
06.06.2024 | Event
Lecture by Tinghui Duan (Trier): Wie der Hase mithilfe von KI das Rennen gewinnen könnte
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Google Vertex AI bei der Auswertung romantischer Texte
05.06.2024 | Event
Lecture by Philipp Schneider (Berlin): The Digital Heraldry Knowledge Graph. Data-driven and AI-based Approaches to Study the Cultural History of Heraldic Communication
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
29.05.2024 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Mareike König (Paris): Die zweite Reise der Dissertation: Strategien für den Umgang mit Forschungsdaten für Historiker:innen
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
16.05.2024 | Event
Lecture by Giovanni Mischi (Bozen), Dr. Thomas Burch (Trier): Digitale Schätze der Vielfalt
Die Rolle von Online-Wörterbüchern für Minderheitensprachen am Beispiel des neuen Online-Wörterbuchs Ladinisch-Deutsch / Deutsch-Ladinisch
15.05.2024 | Event
Lecture by Emmanuelle Dantan (Straßburg): Analyser un corpus de textes médiévaux à l'aide d'une base de données Heurist
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
02.05.2024 | Event
Lectures by Radim Hladík (Prague) und Byungjun Kim (Daejeon) as part of the TCDH research colloquium
"Perspectives of the Digital Humanities"
25.04.2024 | Event
JProf. Dr. Susanne Kabatnik at the 2nd IDS Young Talent Day
18.04.2024 | Event
Lecture by Anne Klee (Trier): Linked Open Data und historische Wörterbücher. (Wie) lassen sich Dialektwörterbücher automatisch vernetzen?
As part of the TCDH research colloquium "Perspectives on Digital Humanities"
18.04.2024 | Event
Program of the TCDH research colloquium "Perspectives on Digital Humanities"
17.04.2024 | Event
Lecture by Isabel Dillenberger (Düsseldorf): Weisheit, Schrift und „Manhait“: Humanistische Ideale der (gebildeten) Frau in Niklas von Wyles 'Frauenlob' (1474)
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
16.04.2024 | Event
Female doctoral students & postdocs | Discussion round with female junior professors
Networking event
11.04.2024 bis 12.04.2024 | Conference
Connecting The Dots. Transdisciplinary and international conference of the DFG project Correspondences of the Early Romantic Period
Letters in literary studies and digital humanities
11.04.2024 bis 12.04.2024 | Workshop
Text+ Code Sprint For Humanities Data
Workshop on Textgrid
13.03.2024 bis 15.03.2024 | Conference
„Transforming Sequences: Change through Formulation Suggestions in Messenger-Supported Group Therapy"
Lecture by JProf. Dr. Susanne Kabatnik
07.03.2024 | Event
Numérique, multilingue, collaborative et ouverte: nouvelles perspectives pour l’histoire littéraire
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch
26.02.2024 bis 01.03.2024 | Conference
TCDH at DHd2024 in Passau
DHd2024 #Quo Vadis DH?
21.02.2024 bis 23.02.2024 | Conference
Historical wine labels as pointers to places and spaces of wine cultivation, production and distribution: A case study from the German Mosel region
Lecture by Christof Schöch, Claudine Moulin and Joëlle Weis
21.02.2024 bis 24.02.2024 | Event
Liszt team presents DFG project at this year's plenary conference of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition
Edition as Transformation
13.02.2024 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Rüdiger Singer in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
06.02.2024 | Event
Lecture by Sarah Wagner in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"From inventory to knowledge graph - media and models of object documentation"
01.02.2024 bis 02.02.2024 | Workshop
Hybrid lecture by Matthias Bremm and Maria Dötsch: "Kultur- und Sprachhistorische Annotation eines spätmittelalterlichen Reiseberichtes im Forschungsnetzwerk und Datenbanksystem FuD"
23.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Caroline Jansky in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"The key thing is "open"? Publishing digital humanities"
17.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Simon Suttmann (Freiburg): Spielregeln und soziale Praxis. Rangkommunikation im Spiegel der süditalienischen Historiographie um 1100
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
16.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Andreas Lüschow in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"Centralized, distributed, and always in between - interfaces, metadata and digital humanities"
10.01.2024 | Event
Lecture by Dr. Rüdiger Singer in the Auditorium of the Bern University of the Arts
Caricature rhetoric: text-image patterns in "The Cartoonist's Armory"
06.12.2023 | Event
Lecture by Antonin Charrié-Benoist (Paris): Pour une prosopographie de la vie intellectuelle dans la Ravenne altomédiévale
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
30.11.2023 bis 01.12.2023 | Workshop
Scientific Workshop: Digitization, Networking, Reuse - Tasks and Potentials of Low German Dialect Lexicography
29.11.2023 | Event
Lecure by Sven Ködel (Paris): Französische Bibliotheks- und Archivlandschaft digital ergründen
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
15.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Isabel Kimpel und Jonas Narchi (Heidelberg): Von Pergament zu PDF? Ein Praxiseinblick in Editionsprojekte zu Anselm von Havelberg und Caesarius von Heisterbach
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
10.11.2023 | Workshop
"From the Body in Text to the Figure in History: Workshop on Physiognomic Character Description"
Workshop as part of the MiMoText Network
08.11.2023 | Workshop
"Reconstructing Bookscapes. A digital investigation on the private libraries of 18th-century princesses."
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis
08.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Soumaya Daoussi (Saint-Denis): De Rumersberg à Remiremont, histoire des femmes et d’une abbaye entre l’Empire et le royaume de France
As part of the event series for young emerging researchers.
07.11.2023 | Workshop
"Semantic Web and Linked Open Data: A hands-on workshop for beginners"
Workshop by Dr. Joëlle Weis
06.11.2023 | Event
Lecture by Nicola McLelland (University of Nottingham) in the lecture series "Practice of Digital Humanities"
"Adelung's English-German Dictionary (1783, 1796): Deception and More"
20.10.2023 | Workshop
Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 20.10.2023