Conference: The Shakespeare Translations of August Wilhelm Schlegel and the Tieck Circle. Context - History - Edition
in cooperation with the Commission for the Edition of Texts since the 18th Century in the Working Group for Germanic Edition and the Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB)

13.06.2022 bis 16.06.2022Place:
in Dresden, Klemperer Hall,
Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library (SLUB),
Zellescher Weg 18, 01069 Dresden
Supporting program at Pillnitz Palace
Dr. Claudia BambergOrganization: Claudia Bamberg, Christa Jansohn, Stefan Knödler
The translation of all of William Shakespeare's plays that has become known as "Schlegel/Tieck" - begun in 1797 by August Wilhelm Schlegel and continued in the 1820s by Ludwig Tieck, his daughter Dorothea, and Wolf Heinrich von Baudissin - has become a classic text in German literature.
The conference aims to reassess these translations by asking about their contexts: about the conditions, theory, and practice of translation; about their significance within the early Romantic program; and about the concept of a "Romantic-poetic" translation. In addition, the differences in the procedures of August Wilhelm Schlegel and the Tieck circle, respectively, and finally the intensive reception up to the present will be presented and discussed; the question will also be addressed as to how the "Schlegel/Tieck" can most sensibly be edited historically-critically today, which requirements must be observed in the process, and which digital procedures must be used in such an urgently needed edition. A conference volume is planned.
Image references:
Portal page (from left to right):
August Wilhelm Schlegel (1767-1845).
Portrait. Oil on canvas by Adolf Hohneck (1810-1879), c. 1830. 67.5 × 58 cm. Saxon State Library - State and University Library
Dresden Photo: Regine Richter SLUB Dresden and
Ludwig Tieck (1773-1853) (April 2014, ed. Christa Jansohn in cooperation with the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature, Theater Collection of the University of Cologne, and the Shakespeare Library, University of Birmingham),
Dorothea Tieck (1799-1841)
Portrait with facsimile motto and signature. Lithograph by Franz Seraph Hanfstaengl (1804-1877) after drawing, 1838, by Auguste von Buttlar (d. 1857). Sheet 34 × 27,5 cm. Berlin, collection Archiv für Kunst und Geschichte. Image number: AKG286503 Collection: akg-images,
Wolf Heinrich Friedrich Karl Graf von Baudissin (1789-1878). (April 2014, ed. Christa Jansohn in cooperation with the Mainz Academy of Sciences and Literature, Theater Collection of the University of Cologne, and the Shakespeare Library, University of Birmingham),…