Completion of the Critical Friedrich Schlegel Edition - KFSA
Creation of a Hybrid Edition

Project Management: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Breuer (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Deutsches Institut) · Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz - Deutsches Institut
Project Participants: Johannes Gutenberg Universität – Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung (ZDV) · Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn
Sponsors: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
Running time: -
Contact person (TCDH): Dr Thomas Burch
Research Area: Software Systems and Research Infrastructure, Digital Edition and Lexicography
Keywords: LaTeX, “born digital”, Hybrid Edition, Letters, Printed Edition, 18th century
Website of the Project: Critical Friedrich Schlegel edition
Friedrich Schlegel (1772–1829) is considered the founder of modern philology. He maintained numerous contacts with important personalities of the 19th century, such as his brother August Wilhelm Schlegel or Wilhelm von Humboldt, which is documented by an extensive correspondence. The aim of the project is to complete the “Critical Friedrich Schlegel Edition” (KFSA) and to create a hybrid edition in the form of a historical-critical, annotated edition using digital infrastructure.
Use of the Virtual Research Environment
The common working platform is the virtual research environment FuD developed in Trier. Various subtasks for setting up a project-specific research environment were completed by the TCDH team (Radoslav Petkov and Dr. Matthias Bremm). First, the conception and setup of a central detection database as well as the use of a standard metadata schema took place. Furthermore, the import and transfer of the data available in an Access database and its cross-linking with the manuscript digitized data was carried out. The virtual research environment FuD serves as a working platform for the creation of the manuscript transcriptions and the edited text.
The Hybrid Edition is Born
In the context of the final edition, there is also a need to bring the previous volumes up to a contemporary editorial level, for which the digital medium seems to lend itself. In addition to the print edition, a hybrid edition is therefore being created at the TCDH in the longer term, integrated into the research platform "Friedrich Schlegel Portal" (repertory, text/commentary, facsimiles) to be projected by the TCDH. For this purpose, texts and commentaries were transferred into the media-neutral, print- and web-open XML format by the project partners in Mainz with the help of FuD already during the project phase. With the help of the LaTeX print template developed by Martin Sievers and maintained by Anne Klee and Dr Thomas Burch, volumes 28, 31, and 32 of the comprehensive Friedrich Schlegel edition are being created.
In the medium term, already completed parts of the edition (volumes of correspondence, repertory of letters) will be integrated into the portal. The research portal will then be successively expanded into a complete form of presentation and offer "Complete Works and Letters" in an editorially secured form (retro-digitization, revision and digital migration of previous KFSA volumes).
Anne Klee
E-mail: kleeuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-3120
Dr Matthias Bremm
E-mail: bremmuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-2679
Dr Thomas Burch
E-mail: burchuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-3364
Radoslav Petkov
E-mail: petkovuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-3359