Mattias Bremm

Phone: +49 651 201-2679

Fax: +49 651 201-3589

Room: DM 316

Office Hours: by appointment

Dr Matthias Bremm

member of academic staff

Doctorate in computer science with expertise in software systems, software development, research infrastructures and research data management. As an expert in the field of virtual research environment, he is a contact person in the development team of the research network and database system as well as for our cooperation partners. 

Curriculum Vitae

2020: Dissertation in Computational Linguistics at the University of Trier

Since 2012: member of academic staff at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities in the project “August Wilhelm Schlegel: Critical Edition of his Lectures” and many other projects

2011: member of staff in the project FuD (within the context of the INF project in the ‘special research area 600’ “Fremdheit und Armut” (Foreignness and Poverty)).

2011: degree in Computer Science (diploma) with a focus on "System Software and Distributed Systems" and Business Studies (minor subject) at the University of Trier



Matthias Bremm: Teil-überwachtes und aktives Lernen mit unterschiedlichen annotierenden Personen zur Informationsextraktion in Texten. Trier 2020.


(mit Maria Dötsch und Claudia Bamberg:) Editionsbericht zur Handschrift 1936/7 8° (Stadtbibliothek Trier) – Peter Fasbenders „Bedůartt nahe dem heilgen Grabe ȝů Jerůſalem“. In: Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch 61 (2021), S. 367–382.


Matthias Bremm, Agnes Laba, Tatjana Tönsmeyer: „Die Online-Edition „Societies under German Occupation – Experiences and Everyday Life in World War II“: Gegenstand, editorisches Anliegen, technische Umsetzung, usability”. Vortrag im Rahmen des Forschungskolloquiums „Digitale Perspektiven”, online, 07.07.2022.

Matthias Bremm und Martin Sievers : Die Hybridedition der Reihe MERZ 1923–1932: Intermediales Edieren. Fallbeispiele aus der „Editionswerkstatt“, Vortrag im Rahmen des Kurt Schwitters Kolloquium Hannover: 5.7.2019.
