JProf. Dr. Susanne Kabatnik at the 2nd IDS Young Talent Day

Leibniz Institute for the German Language
R 5, 6-13
D-68161 Mannheim
Registration by 1.4.2024 to nachwuchstag [at] (nachwuchstag[at]ids-mannheim[dot]de)
JProf. Dr. Susanne KabatnikFurther Information:
IDS MannheimThe IDS Young Researchers' Day is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of early career researchers (ECRs) in linguistics under the motto "moving forward together". The various contributions and program items will each focus on different topics. These include a panel discussion in which you will learn about different career paths after your doctorate. In the afternoon, participants can also take part in a voice and speech training workshop.
At 10:40 a.m., the panel discussion "BA > MA > Dr. > ?!? Careers after the doctorate", in which JProf. Dr. Susanne Kabatnik will participate.