Lecture by Senior Fellow Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer: „Fortritt“ und „Sensible Wege“: Dissonante Allegorien bei Erich Fried und Reiner Kunze

„Barocke Gegenwartslyrik. Referenzen – Aneignungen - Aktualisierungen“

Mutter-Heimat-Statue in Wolgograd wird restauriert.


23.03.2023 bis 25.03.2023


Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)


Lecture by Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer at the conference „Baroque Contemporary Poetry. References - Appropriations - Actualizations“ at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology.


Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer will show in the lecture how two prominent political lyricists took up the tradition of allegory against the background of the Cold War: Erich Fried primarily to expose common political metaphors as fascist ideology, and Reiner Kunze to get criticism of real existing socialism through the censors.

As a senior fellow, Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer in the project "Mining and Modeling Text (MiMoText)".

Keywords: Text Collections, 20th century