Talk at the Deutsche Literaturarchiv: The ‘Epistolary Network’

Dr Vera Hildenbrandt Gives Talk at Interdisciplinary Advanced Training Course

The ‘Epistolary Network




Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach/Neckar


On July 16th 2013, Dr Vera Hildenbrandt will talk about “The ‘Epistolary Network’ and an overview of other digitisation projects of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities” at Marbach/Neckar.

On July 16th 2013, Dr Vera Hildenbrandt will talk about “The ‘Epistolary Network’ and an overview of other digitisation projects of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities” at Marbach/Neckar.

The talk takes place in within the framework of the interdisciplinary advanced training course “Neue Aufgabenfelder im Fachreferat der Modernen Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaften: Fortbildungsveranstaltung für Fachreferentinnen und Fachreferenten der neueren Philologien“ („New Areas in the Department of Modern Linguistics and Literary Studies: Advanced Training Course for Subject Specialists in the New Philologies”). The course is organized by the Verein Deutscher Bibliothekare e.V. (Association of German Librarians) supported by the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach.

Keywords: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH, Network Analysis