Lectures by Radim Hladík (Prague) und Byungjun Kim (Daejeon) as part of the TCDH research colloquium
"Perspectives of the Digital Humanities"

4–6 p.m. (c.t.)
via Zoom: https://uni-trier.zoom-x.de/j/67058779378?pwd=UFZ4WjBwNWVEaWFLRzh0aWszWkRudz09
Lecture presentations:
Radim Hladík Link
Byungjun Kim Link
JProf. Dr. Susanne KabatnikOn 02.05.2024 two lectures will take place as part of the TCDH research colloquium:
Radim Hladík (Prague): Coding Squared: Exploring reproducibility in qualitative data analysis (QDA) through research software development
Byungjun Kim (Daejeon): OpenAlex Database for Computational Literary Studies and Digital Intellectual History
In the summer semester 2024, we will continue our lecture series as part of the TCDH research colloquium. Students, staff and fellows of the TCDH as well as external colleagues and cooperation partners will provide exciting insights into their work from very different fields of digital humanities: computational literary studies, digital lexicography and digital pragmatics, digital theater research and digital editions.
You are warmly invited to take part and join in the discussion!