Events archive
30.11.2023 bis 01.12.2023 | Workshop
Scientific Workshop: Digitization, Networking, Reuse - Tasks and Potentials of Low German Dialect Lexicography
10.10.2023 bis 11.10.2023 | Workshop
MiMoText at International Workshop | Wikipedia, Wikidata and Wikibase: Usage Scenarios for Literary Studies
20.09.2023 bis 21.09.2023 | Workshop
Online-Workshop: Linked Open Data for Digital Editions and Text Collections
18.09.2023 bis 19.09.2023 | Workshop
Hybrid Workshop: Patterns of Political Press Caricature
Interdisciplinary perspectives
25.07.2023 bis 26.07.2023 | Workshop
Workshop at TCDH: Remembrance of Strings Past
Modeling bibliographic data for Proust research
06.07.2023 bis 08.07.2023 | Workshop
International Workshop: Information Modification and Loss
Co-organized by Professor Dr. Claudine Moulin
27.02.2023 bis 28.02.2023 | Workshop
Workshop: Using and Developing Software for Keyness Analysis
10.11.2023 | Workshop
"From the Body in Text to the Figure in History: Workshop on Physiognomic Character Description"
Workshop as part of the MiMoText Network
08.11.2023 | Workshop
"Reconstructing Bookscapes. A digital investigation on the private libraries of 18th-century princesses."
Lecture by Dr. Joëlle Weis
07.11.2023 | Workshop
"Semantic Web and Linked Open Data: A hands-on workshop for beginners"
Workshop by Dr. Joëlle Weis
20.10.2023 | Workshop
Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 20.10.2023
11.10.2023 | Workshop
Hybrid Workshop: Potentials and Limits of Stylometry for Early Modern Text in Romance Languages
27.01.2023 | Workshop
Workshop announcement: “Perspectives on Digital Humanities in Japan and Germany”
12.10.2022 bis 12.10.2022 | Workshop
Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 12.10.2022
07.10.2022 bis 10.10.2022 | Workshop
Workshop for the WKT research cluster “Digital Hermeneutics” - University of Rostock
Digital editions
18.07.2022 bis 29.07.2022 | Workshop
International Summer School – HAB - Herzog August Bibliothek
What is the value of things? Concepts of an economy of collection
30.06.2022 bis 01.07.2022 | Workshop
Workshop at the German Romanticism Museum/Free German High Foundation on the female letter correspondents of Novalis and Friedrich Schlegel
02.06.2022 bis 03.06.2022 | Workshop
Kick-off meeting: Paul Fleming “Complete Edition of the Latin and German Works of Paul Fleming with Translation of the Latin Works and Commentary and Indexes to the Complete Works”
21.03.2022 bis 23.03.2022 | Workshop
What is ELTeC all about?
Lecture by Christoph Schöch at the "Belgrade Training School 2022: Exploring ELTeC: Use-Cases for Information Extraction and Analysis"
02.12.2021 bis 03.12.2021 | Workshop
Workshop: Possession and use
Books in the hands of citizens
28.10.2021 bis 29.10.2021 | Workshop
Networking strategies between dialect dictionaries - the example of the Trier dictionary network
04.10.2021 bis 06.10.2021 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of European Legal Languages (Workshop 3)
Sources and methods of digital lexicography
17.06.2021 bis 18.06.2021 | Workshop
Forum - Research Data Management as Part of Academic Teaching in the Culture Community.
Using synergies - interdisciplinary offerings
02.12.2021 | Workshop
Die Reformation in privatem Gebetbuchformat
Lecture by Claudine Moulin at the workshop "Besitz und Gebrauch. Bücher in bürgerlicher Hand"
29.09.2021 | Workshop
ELTeC, or: Computational Literary Studies goes Multilingual
Contribution by Christof Schöch at the Workshop "Introduction and Discussion of Core Technologies and Projects" of the CLS INFRA
15.09.2021 | Workshop
Contrastive analysis of literary texts with Zeta
second workshop in the framework of the vDHd
02.09.2021 | Workshop
Das Wörterbuchnetz des Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Technische Infrastruktur und offene Schnittstellen
Contribution by Thomas Burch at the workshop "APIs und andere Werkzeuge für die Vernetzung zwischen Programmen und Projekten"
05.07.2021 | Workshop
Lecture in the context of the Young College (JuKo) in the module Perspectives
Paradigm shifts and turns in the disciplines
17.06.2021 | Workshop
Participation of Julia Röttgermann in the panel "Synergien nutzen – Interdisziplinäre Angebote I"
Panel in the context of the workshop "Forum – Forschungsdatenmanagement als Teil der Hochschullehre in der Culture Community"
24.03.2021 | Workshop
Kontrastive Analyse literarischer Texte mit Zeta
Two-part workshop within the framework of vDHd 2021
05.03.2021 | Workshop
Digitale Textkodierung mit TEI
Workshop led by Julia Röttgermann as part of the CAS programme „Datenmanagement und Informationstechnologien“
23.02.2021 | Workshop
A typology of replication studies
Contribution by Christoph Schöch at the workshop "Replication and Computational Literary Studies"
15.01.2021 | Workshop
Von Distant Reading zu Computational Literary Studies: Korpusaufbau, Erschließung und Analyse
Workshop 3: Distant Reading - Digital Humanities in Literary Studies in the Digital Humanities Series and its Research Potential for Book and Literary Studies
31.10.2019 bis 01.11.2019 | Workshop
The house bible of the silk embroiderer Hans Plock (1490-1570)
Ways of development
07.10.2019 bis 09.10.2019 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of European Legal Languages (Workshop 2)
History of Concepts and Big Data
09.05.2019 bis 10.05.2019 | Workshop
2. FuD - Community meeting
The service center eSciences and the TCDH invite developers and users of FuD to discuss the research environment together.
21.11.2018 bis 22.11.2018 | Event, Workshop
Lecture: „Digital Humanities for Theatre Research“ and Workshop "Interactive Network Visualization using Gephi and Javascript"
Dr Miguel Escobar Varela as part of the colloquium “Practice of Digital Humanities” 2018/2019
04.10.2018 bis 06.10.2018 | Workshop
Digital Metalexicography of the European Legal Languages 1
Cesare Beccaria’s “Dei delitti e delle pene” – History of Reception and of Concepts
04.06.2018 bis 05.06.2018 | Workshop
Anniversary year 2018: launch & workshop of eLaterna
20.04.2018 bis 20.04.2018 | Workshop
15 years of children's university
Medieval book workshop with the TCDH
21.03.2018 bis 23.03.2018 | Workshop
Spring School „Text Processing mit TUSTEP“
TUSTEP Workshop for beginners
15.03.2017 bis 16.03.2017 | Workshop
1. FuD - Community meeting
Anwender und Entwickler von FuD treffen sich gemeinsam in Trier.
10.04.2015 bis 12.04.2015 | Workshop
Workshop on historical network analysis in Bochum
Call for Participation
19.02.2015 bis 20.02.2015 | Workshop
Announced: 2. Workshop “Machines and Manuscripts”
„Möglichkeiten der automatischen Mustererkennung und Analyse historischer Dokumente“
24.11.2015 | Workshop
Workshop „Teaching Multilingual Paremology“
Proverbs and their development
28.06.2013 bis 28.06.2013 | Workshop
„Digital Humanities - Kompetenzzentren in Deutschland“
Workshop in Berlin
17.04.2010 bis 17.04.2010 | Workshop
The metaphor project
Workshop with project presentation
13.10.2008 bis 14.10.2008 | Conference, Workshop
7. internationaler <philtag>-Workshop "Communicating eHumanities: Archive, Textzentren, Portale"
24.06.2020 | Workshop
Computational Modeling of Language Phenomena
The workshop will provide an overview of a variety of techniques.