2. FuD - Community meeting
The service center eSciences and the TCDH invite developers and users of FuD to discuss the research environment together.

09.05.2019 bis 10.05.2019Categories:
- NutzertreffenProgramm2019-1.pdf (279.26 KB)
The aim is to present the range of possible uses of FuD and to share practical experience with other FuD users as well as with interested parties.
On Friday morning (May 10th) an FuD introductory workshop will be offered, which will give interested parties the opportunity to use a demo system to try out how to use FuD and how to first use the virtual research environment. At the same time, the opportunity for cross-project exchange in smaller working groups is given. FuD users can discuss specific problems with the R&D developers and work out possible solutions together.
Please register using the registration form on the eSciences service center website by April 30, 2019 at the latest! If you would like to take part in the FuD introductory workshop, please bring a suitable notebook (MacOS, Windows 7/8/10) with you.