Workshop for the WKT research cluster “Digital Hermeneutics” - University of Rostock
Digital editions

07.10.2022 bis 10.10.2022Place:
Friday, October 7, 2022 and Monday, October 10, 2022, both 9:00-13:30, online
Registration until 10/4/2022
Dr. Claudia BambergThe workshop is intended as an introduction to the theory and practice of digital editing. It will also discuss questions and requirements for submitting applications for digital edition projects. The first part will give an introduction to the basics of digital editing. In the second part of the workshop, the participants will get to know the digital transcription tool Transcribo in a hand-on session and create transcriptions themselves. Transcribo was developed by the TCDH in cooperation with the project Arthur Schnitzler: Digital Historical-Critical Edition and is used in this project as well as in other edition projects and is continuously extended with new functionalities.