Workshop announcement: “Perspectives on Digital Humanities in Japan and Germany”

Masahiro Shimoda und Kiyonori Nagasaki (privat)




The workshop will take place on Friday, January 27 from 10:15 to about 12:00 in room DM 22/24 (Drittmittelgebäude). The workshop will consist of short talks with ample possibility to ask questions. All interested parties are welcome. Registration is not mandatory, but a short message to Christof Schöch is welcome.


The TCDH would like to announce a workshop bringing together perspectives on Digital Humanities from practicitioners in Japan and Germany.


  • Masahiro Shimoda, Professor of Indian Philosophy and Buddhism and Digital Humanities, University of Tokyo
  • Kiyonori Nagasaki, Senior Fellow at the International Institute for Digital Humanities in Tokyo
  • Ariadne Baresch, Researcher in Digital Humanities, University of Trier
  • Claudine Moulin, Professor of Historical German Linguistics, University of Trier
  • Christof Schöch, Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Trier


1. Trend of Digital Humanities in Japan
2. A history and perspective of the SAT Buddhist database project
3. The DH curriculum at Trier University in the German context
4. 25 years of Digital Humanities research at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities
5. Digital humanities in Germany: Funding and Policy Overview

Keywords: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH