Workshop: Transcribing with the software Transcribo
Practical workshop on 12.10.2022

12.10.2022 bis 12.10.2022Place:
University of Trier, on-site event
C 502, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Registration for the workshop:
Participation is for free.
Free Download:
Dr. Claudia BambergThe “Transcribo” tool developed by the team from the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, offers the possibility to transcribe texts productively and time-savingly whilst enabling the operator to work with the same intuition as in a manual transcription. The tool offers all the subtleties needed for a differentiated transcription and supports the working process both efficiently and easily comprehensible.
In the first section of the workshop, all basic functions of the software will be presented and discussed using examples of use from the Arthur Schnitzler edition. Subsequently, the participants will independently transcribe individual sample pages under guidance.
The target groups of the workshop are: Staff members and interested scholars of the University of Trier as well as of other universities but also Master students of the Digital Humanities program of the University of Trier.
Requirements for participation: a functional laptop/PC with a large screen and a connected mouse (no touchpad) per person (preferably with Windows operating system), pre-installed Transcribo software.