project-internal workshop Stefan Heym: "Ahasver

25.07.2022 bis 26.07.2022Place:
Workshopvon links nach rechts: Bernadette Malinowski, Max Lorsheijd, Christoph Grube, Claudia Bamberg, Thomas Burch, Julia Hennemann, Michael Ostheimer
On July 25 and 26, 2022, a project workshop on the digital edition of Stefan Heym's novel “Ahasver” took place at the TU Chemnitz; it dealt with the modeling of the data, the use of FuD and Transcribo, and the design and usability concept of the website.
Topics: Digital Editions, Digital Edition and Lexicography, Data Retrieval, Managing Research Data, Implementing Research Projects Digitally, Networked Research, Usability Engineering and UX
Projects: Stefan Heym: “Ahasver”