Hybrid lecture by Matthias Bremm and Maria Dötsch: "Kultur- und Sprachhistorische Annotation eines spätmittelalterlichen Reiseberichtes im Forschungsnetzwerk und Datenbanksystem FuD"

01.02.2024 bis 02.02.2024Place:
The two-day event will take place at the Leibniz Institute for East and Southeast European Studies in Regensburg on February 1 and 2, 2024. Participation is free and also welcome virtually via Zoom.
*The lecture by Matthias Bremm and Maria Dötsch has been postponed to 01.02.24, 2 pm.
Access data Zoom:
Meeting ID: 620 8605 9375
Identification code: 418031
Dr. Matthias BremmFurther Information:
Event announcement of the Leibniz InstituteThe team of the DFG project "DEHisRe" continues the exchange among researchers in the digital edition of historical travelogues and organizes a second workshop on the topic "Von Ort zu Ort: Digitales Edieren von Reisenarrativen – Neue Perspektiven".
The workshop is organized by the DFG-funded research project "Digital Editions of Historical Travelogues" (DEHisRe).
The lecture by Matthias Bremm and Maria Dötsch will start at 2 p.m. on February 1st: "Kultur- und Sprachhistorische Annotation eines spätmittelalterlichen Reiseberichtes im Forschungsnetzwerk und Datenbanksystem FuD".