Digital Zotero workshop by Julia Röttgermann at GUT

July 26, 2023, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Zoom
Registration for GUT events is possible by sending an informal email to gut [at] (gut[at]uni-trier[dot]de), including your name and field of study, until July 21, 2023.
Julia RöttgermannThe Graduate Center of the University of Trier offers various educational opportunities for doctoral students and postdocs, aiming to provide the best possible support for your academic and professional development. You have the option to receive all relevant information about doctoral studies, as well as updates on important events, calls, and courses, through the GUT email distribution list. Simply send an informal email to gut [at] (gut[at]uni-trier[dot]de) to request inclusion in the distribution list.
Zotero is a bibliography builder that helps you collect, organize, cite, and share your research. Compared to other citation management software, it is free and open-source. In this online workshop we will show how to collect references from different sources, how to organize your database (annotate, tags), how to cite and generate bibliographies and how to share references and collaborate with colleagues. The workshop offers a mix of lectures and practical exercises.