Lecture by Nicolas Schenk (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium

Emil Ludwig's Biographies. A workshop report

Forschungskolloquium WS 2021_22




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Thema: Forschungskolloquium TCDH

ab 18. Nov 2021 18 – 20 Uhr



In the context of the research colloquium of the TCDH, WS 2021/22, Nicolas Schenk (Trier) presents his dissertation project.

The writer Emil Ludwig contributed decisively to a new kind of belletristic historical biography that attempted to offer a worldview reorientation after the upheavals of World War I and that helped influence the literature of the 1920s. The dissertation focuses on Emil Ludwig's engagement with this particular form of biography. The workshop report provides an insight into the current state of the dissertation.

Keywords: Scientific Support for young Researchers (graduate and scholarship programs)