Lecture by Maria Dötsch (Trier) in the context of the research colloquium “Digital perspectives”, SoSe 2022

Peter Vaßbenders Bedůartt . nahe dem heilgen Grabe ȝů Jerůſalem. Zwischenbericht zur kultur- und sprachhistorischen Auswertung eines moselfränkischen Pilgerreiseberichtes des 15. Jahrhunderts in FuD

Auge sehr nah




Thursdays, 6-8 p.m. c.t., digital via Zoom

Link: https://uni-trier.zoom.us/j/85154523515?pwd=VG9SYWZzY2Vlc21YNkRtRU9yWldtUT09



The colloquium will be opened by Maria Dötsch (Trier) with her dissertation project on the pilgrimage report of the Koblenz citizen Peter Fasbender.

Since 2020, Maria Dötsch has been researching the manuscript 1936/7 8° (Trier City Library), which contains the pilgrimage report of the Koblenz citizen Peter Fasbender and was written in the late 15th century, as part of her dissertation project. The aim of the project is the cultural-historical indexing and linguistic analysis of the text on the basis of a new edition.

In the form of an interim report, the lecture “Peter Vaßbenders Bedůartt . nahe dem heilgen Grabe ȝů Jerůſalem. Zwischenbericht zur kultur- und sprachhistorischen Auswertung eines moselfränkischen Pilgerreiseberichtes des 15. Jahrhunderts in FuD” first results of the analysis will be presented and open questions and problems will be pointed out.