ELEXIS: Showcase Event from Α to Ω:
Outcomes, Sustainability & Afterlife of a new European Lexicographic Infrastructure.

07.06.2022 bis 08.06.2022Place:
Florence, Italy & online (hybrid event)
A link to the Youtube stream will be provided to all registered participants.
The programme as well as the registration link for both online & onsite attendees (deadline: 3.5.2022) are available here.
Dr. Thomas BurchFurther Information:
Link to the programWe’d like to invite you to attend the ELEXIS Showcase Event taking place in Florence, Italy from June 7th to June 8th 2022.
This event will be geared towards encouraging cooperation with representatives of various industries (such as NLP, language technologies, machine translation, dictionary publishers etc.) as well as towards existing observer institutions. The focus will be on the outcomes of the European Lexicographic Infrastructure as well as its sustainability and afterlife.
It will be organised as a hybrid event. The onsite part will take place in two locations in Florence: Hotel Londra and the historic Accademia della Crusca. The topics will be presented and discussed in detail, and we will answer questions from the audience, both online and onsite.
We are looking forward to opportunities for face-to-face interaction.
Important topics that will be covered:
- Overview of ELEXIS Horizon 2020 project (2018-2022)
- Presentation of ELEXIS online tools and services
- ELEXIS Curriculum: Teaching & Training
- Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) issues, copyright
- Lexicographic standards used and produced by ELEXIS
- Project afterlife and sustainability (CLARIN & DARIAH)