Lecture: "Research data – legal aspects and scientific demands (data use, TDM): a look into German practice".

German-French Meeting on Copyrighted Works in Digital Libraries.


29.09.2022 bis 29.09.2022


Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek


Lecture by Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch at the German-French Meeting on Copyrighted Works in Digital Libraries.

This presentation will focus on outlining some current practices of text and data mining in the context of the Digital Humanities, particularly in Computational Literary Studies. The focus will be on those practices that have become possible for scholars with the 2018 reform of the Copyright Act and the TDM barriers it contains. This concerns the creation, enrichment, annotation, and analysis of corpora of copyrighted materials such as contemporary literature.

Keywords: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH