Lecture: „OCR4all“
Christian Reul in the context of the colloquium "Practice of Digital Humanities" 2018/2019

10.01.2019 bis 10.01.2019Place:
University of Trier
EventFurther Information:
Website Digital Humanities University of TrierThe Professorship for Digital Humanities and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities invite you to a lecture: "OCR4all" by Christian Reul (University of Würzburg) on Thursday, January 10, 2019, 4:15 pm-5:45pm.
The lecture is part of the event series "Praxis der Digital Humanities", which takes place this winter semester for two reasons: on the one hand as part of the master's degree in "Digital Humanities", on the other hand as part of the anniversary program for the 20th anniversary of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.
Topics: Open Science, Committment to Teaching, Computational Literary Studies, Promotion of Young Talents, XML / Web-Technologies, Digital Editions, Digital Edition and Lexicography, Digital Lexicography, Data Retrieval
Projects: Mining and Modeling Text – MiMoText