Nuit, correspondance, sentiment

Topic Modeling on a Corpus of French Novels 1750-1800

Augsburg Luftaufnahme




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A Presentation by Anne Klee and Julia Röttgermann at the Romance Studies Conference in Augsburg “Europe between Regionalism and Globalization”.

Presentation by Anne Klee and Julia Röttgermann at the Romance Studies Conference in Augsburg “Europe between Regionalism and Globalization” (October 4-7, 2021), section “Digital, Global, Transdisciplinary: Impulses for a Transdisciplinary Digital Romance Studies”.

The lecture describes how a corpus of French novels of the 18th century was evaluated with respect to topics per work using the Topic Modeling method and discusses this also on the basis of a case study (“voyage autour de ma chambre” by Xavier de Maistre, 1794). In addition, the presentation will focus on different technical implementations of the topic modeling workflow.

Keywords: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH