Kick-off-meeting: Stefan Heym „Ahasver“
Pilot project for a digital historical-critical edition

EventOn April 15, 2021, the project "Stefan Heym: 'Ahasver' - Pilot Project for a Digital Historical-Critical Edition" officially started with a digital kick-off meeting. At this first overall meeting, the distribution of tasks, the workflow - also concerning the import of the "Ahasver" digitized material from the Cambridge Heym estate - as well as a first order of the documents to be edited were discussed. In addition, it was determined which systems and tools of the TCDH will be used: the virtual edition environment FuD and the transcription tool "Transcribo".
Topics: Digital Editions, Usability Engineering and UX, Managing Research Data, Research Infrastructures, Networked Research, Project Management, Implementing Research Projects Digitally, Developing Software Systems
Projects: Stefan-Heym-Edition