Goethe's words - language explosions

18:00 Uhr
Akademiegebäude am Gendarmenmarkt, Einstein-Saal, Jägerstraße 22/23, 10117 Berlin
The common language and the special features of Goethe's language are documented in equal measure: In addition to the general vocabulary of the 18th and early 19th century, the GWb offers individual language, word innovations, technical and special language expressions, and much more. It provides information on words such as Blitzlicht, impfen, liebehimmelswonnewarm or Parallelepiped as well as on Mohr, Mohrenbande or Schmiergeld and also shows how the understanding of words has changed since Goethe's time. The successful "Theme Year Language 2022" of the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, in which historical lexicography was made tangible in the literal sense of the word in cooperation with the Berlin/Leipzig workstation, shows how broad the interest in this is.
This important dictionary is the research basis for various scientific disciplines and presents users with a carefully prepared range of information on the linguistic and factual world of the Goethe period. Available as a printed version up to the word loop, the online version of the Trier Competence Center allows access up to marginal drawing and extended links.
The event is a cooperation of the Berlin/Leipzig office of the academy project "Goethe Dictionary" with the Klassik Stiftung Weimar and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.
The lectures will provide exemplary insights into Goethe's use of language and present the GWb as a multifaceted resource.
- Christoph Markschies (Akademiepräsident)
- Ernst Osterkamp (Akademiemitglied und Projektleiter)
- Undine Kramer (BBAW): Goethe von A bis Z. Eine Einleitung
Petra Lutz (Klassik Stiftung Weimar): Sprachexplosionen. Ein Parcours durch Weimar
Michael Schilar / Wiebke Schulte (BBAW): Goethe und das umstrittene Thema Impfen. Ins Goethe-Wörterbuch geschaut, auch in die Welt des 18. und frühen 19. Jahrhunderts
Renata Kwaśniak (BBAW): „Zart schattende Gebilde“. Schattenbilder in Goethes Leben und Werk
Michael Niedermeier (BBAW): Farbenpracht und Sprachgewalt. Hunderte Farbbezeichnungen im Wörterbuch
Claudia Bamberg / Thomas Burch (Trier Center for Digital Humanities): Das Goethe-Wörterbuch Online. Zugriffs- und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten im Kontext offener Datenquellen
Claudia Ristau (BBAW): Goethes Weihnachtswelt