DHd 2018 in Köln
"Critique of digital reason"

26.02.2018 bis 02.03.2018Place:
University of Cologne
ConferenceFurther Information:
DHd Conference 2018This year’s fifth conference of the association for „Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries” will take place at University of Cologne from 26th February to 2nd March 2018. Some members of the TCDH will contribute to the meeting, which will be held under the main theme of „Critique of digital reason”.
Christof Schöch will contribute a short lecture to the workshop „Embedded Humanities“.
On Wednesday morning Hannah Busch and Eva Bös will be on the quest for the lost materiality („Suche nach der verlorenen Materialität. (Digitale) Kodikologie und Restaurierungswissenschaft im Zeitalter der Massendigitalisierung.“) which deals with (digital) codicology and restoration science in times of mass digitisation in the lecture session 1C: Sammlungsdigitalisierung 1.
After this session Christof Schöch, Albin Zehe, José Calvo Tello and Andreas Hotho will speak about variants and evaluations of Burrows Zeta („Burrows Zeta: Varianten und Evaluationen“) in the lecture session 2B: Textmining II.
In the afternoon Christof Schöch participates in the panel 3B, organised by Frederike Neuber, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Patrick Sahle and Franz Fischer: „Everything is in motion – resources and reviews in the Digital Humanities“ („Alles ist im Fluss – Ressourcen und Rezensionen in den Digital Humanities“).
On Thursday, Jan Hess, Daniel Lebherz and Christian Zeyen will contribute a poster to the poster session. Their poster deals with text mining and computer simulation in order to analyse autobiographical texts. In detail, their poster is about influences on the literary creation of Klaus Mann („Text Mining und Computersimulation zur Analyse autobiographischer Texte: Einflüsse auf das literarische Schaffen Klaus Manns“).
Claudine Moulin will be at the conference on all days as the spokesperson of the association.
Information on the conference please find here.