News Archive

22.03.2024 | General, Jobs
Job vacancy for the areas of Open Educational Resources and Competence Transfer between Universities and GLAM Institutions
Open Educational Resources and Competence Transfer between Universities and GLAM Institutions Salary scale E 13 TV-H, up to 100%, Reference number DIFI_2024-02-Hermes

06.03.2024 | General, Academic exchange
From a letter to an oppressive symbol – notes on >Z<
In her publication, Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin describes the meaning and use of the letter Z, particularly in relation to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, and provides a cultural-historical insight into how the letter is used as a symbol and in pro-Putin circles as a symbol of resistance.

31.01.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News
Project closure 'Mining and Modeling Text' (2019-2023)
The successful completion of the project, funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Research Initiative at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities from 2019 to 2023 under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Christof Schöch and Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin, was celebrated with a drink in the guest room of the Mensa Trier on November 9th. The Digital Humanities project has developed an innovative Linked Open Data approach in the form of a knowledge graph for the humanities. It has been applied to the French novel of the Enlightenment as an example, gaining national and international visibility for this data linking paradigm through numerous lectures, workshops, and publications.

02.01.2024 | General
MiMoText: Publication "collection of eighteenth century french novels"
The final version of a balanced set of 200 French novels 1751-1800 in TEI/XML (following the schema of the European Literary Text Collection) is published on GitHub and Zenodo.

06.12.2023 | General
Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin is Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the DHIP
Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin was elected Chairwoman of the Academic Advisory Board of the German Historical Institute in Paris (GHIP)

13.11.2023 | Jobs
Student assistants wanted
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities is looking for two assistants for digital annotation in the field of Digital Literary Studies.
09.11.2023 | General, Press Releases, Project News
Westphalian Dictionary on the Dictionary Network
The Westphalian Dictionary is now available online on the portal with its nearly 90,000 word entries.

17.10.2023 | General, Academic exchange
Sarah Rebecca Ondraszek and Dr. Joëlle Weis are awarded the Peter Haber Prize for Digital History 2023
On September 21, 2023, Sarah Rebecca Ondraszek, a Digital Humanities student at the University of Trier, and Dr. Joëlle Weis, head of the Research Area "Digital Literary and Cultural Studies" at TCDH, were awarded the Peter Haber Prize for Digital History 2023.

02.08.2023 | General, Project News
Newly Released: Conference Proceedings on Romantic Shakespeare Translations
Publication of the conference proceedings: 'Die Shakespeare-Übersetzungen August Wilhelm Schlegels und des Tieck-Kreises: Kontext – Geschichte – Edition'

24.07.2023 | Jobs
Stellenausschreibung als Sachbearbeiter/in am TCDH
Wir suchen am Kompetenzzentrum zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine/n Sachbearbeiter/in. Bewerbungen können bis zum 24.07.23 eingereicht werden.

21.07.2023 | General, Events, Academic exchange
Foundation Celebration of the Heidelberg Centre for Digital Humanities
Brief Report on the Foundation Celebration of the Heidelberg Centre for Digital Humanities on July 21st 2023

15.07.2023 | Project News
New version of the Johann Caspar Lavater Edition online
Imagine that you will write or receive 13,019 letters in your lifetime! This is exactly the status at the moment in version 1.2. of the research project Johann Caspar Lavater: Historical-Critical Edition of Selected Correspondence (JCLB), which invites you online via as a research platform or to browse and read in the world of 18th century scholars.

04.07.2023 | General, Project News
Online portal "Societies under German Occupation" launched
The online portal, featuring over 600 presented sources from all European countries occupied by the Nazi Wehrmacht between 1939 and 1945, can now be explored digitally.

17.04.2023 | General
Immerse yourself in the writing rooms of that time!
The new project film and version 1.1 of the "Johann Caspar Lavater Online Briefedition" now offer further insights into the research work, additional research materials and convenient research options.

24.03.2023 | General, Events, Academic exchange
DHd2023 - erfolgreich, spannend und fast schon familiär
Die Konferenz der digitalen Geisteswissenschaftler:innen im deutschsprachigen Raum DHd2023 war zu Gast in der Großregion. Eine Woche voller positiver und spannender Programmpunkte bleibt in Erinnerung.

20.03.2023 | General
Willkommen im Team, Rüdiger!
Mit Jahresbeginn 2023 begrüßten wir Dr. habil. Rüdiger Singer im Team. Er hat in Deutscher und Vergleichender Literaturwissenschaft habilitiert und war zuletzt als DAAD-Professor in Minneapolis und als Privatdozent und DaF-Lehrer in Kiel tätig. Nun wird er gemeinsam mit den Kolleg:innen als Senior Fellow im Projekt „Mining and Modeling Text“ im Bereich „Patterns der Pressekarikatur“ arbeiten. Wir wünschen ihm einen guten Einstieg und freuen uns auf die Zusammenarbeit!

07.03.2023 | General, Press Releases, Academic exchange
Über Grenzen hinweg – „Open Humanities, Open Culture“
Endlich kann die Jahrestagung des deutschsprachigen DH-Verbandes wieder im Präsenzformat stattfinden. Das Team des Trier Center for Digital Humanities an der Universität Trier und das Team des Center for Contemporary and Digital History der Universität Luxemburg blicken voller Vorfreude auf die DHd2023 „Open Humanities, Open Culture“ vom 13. bis 17. März 2023 in Trier und Belval/Luxemburg. Nachdem der DHd-Verband im vergangenen Jahr pandemiebedingt gezwungen war, auf ein digitales Veranstaltungsformat auszuweichen, ist nun der persönliche Austausch wieder möglich. Zudem wird die Veranstaltung auch in einem Onlineformat angeboten.

06.03.2023 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
Lara Nugues as a fellow at TCDH
The team welcomes fellowship recipient Lara Nugues for a six-week residency at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.

03.03.2023 | General
Stay up to date - Mehr #DigitalHumanities in Ihrem Newsfeed
Die sozialen Netzwerke haben für unsere Kommunikation mit unseren Followern eine große Bedeutung. Sie bleiben mit unseren Nachrichten informiert und können gleichzeitig schnell mit uns in den fachlichen Austausch treten.

02.03.2023 | General, Events, Academic exchange
Conference announcement of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Linguistische Pragmatik e.V.
The upcoming ALP meeting will be on March 7, 2023 at the University of Cologne on the topic of "Variational Pragmatics". The program is linked. Anne Barron could be won as keynote speaker.

28.02.2023 | General, Jobs, Academic exchange
Take a look over the shoulders of researchers and take your own snapshot!
The Academy of Sciences and Literature | Mainz offers a limited number of internships to interested students of all courses of study at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and the University of Trier. The fields of work are very diverse. Perhaps you would like to gain insight into the work of the Digital Academy, the administration, press and public relations, the General Secretariat and the research projects, then please send us your application!

22.02.2023 | General, Press Releases, Project News
How everyone can publish dictionaries on the Internet
At the time, the effort was enormous: the digitization of the 300 million printed characters of Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm's "German Dictionary" by a project team from the University of Trier took years. Even just structuring the entries for the online version was a major task. The ELEXIS project, funded by the EU's Horizon 2020 research framework program, has now come up with various solutions that make digitizing dictionaries easier. A tool developed by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) as part of the project at the University of Trier now makes it possible in principle for everyone to publish dictionaries on the Internet. There is no need for extensive technical knowledge to do this.

14.02.2023 | General, Project News
During the revolt against Napoleon
In short lectures and readings, volume 28 "Briefe von und an Friedrich und Dorothea Schlegel. During the Revolt against Napoleon (1811-1814)", another part of the Kritische Friedrich Schlegel-Ausgabe (KFSA) was officially presented by the team around Ulrich Breuer.

13.02.2023 | General, Press Releases
Reinforcement in research and teaching
Since November 2022, Dr. Susanne Kabatnik is Junior Professor in Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities (CLDH) at the Trier University with a focus on "Digital Lexicography". The linguist's teaching services extend the interdisciplinary teaching of Digital Humanities by the professorships of Claudine Moulin, Professor of German Studies/Elder German Philology - Historical Linguistics of German and co-director of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH), and Christof Schöch, Professor of Digital Humanities and also co-director of the TCDH. The teams of the Chairs and the Kompetenzzentrum welcome them warmly and are happy about the reinforcement in terms of teaching and research.

20.12.2022 | General
We let data sparkle!
The team from the Trier Center for Digital Humanities wishes a Merry Christmas to all who are connected to us, especially to our project partners, colleagues, students and followers.

15.11.2022 | General, Press Releases, Project News
Johann Caspar Lavater Briefwechseledition launched
Johann Caspar Lavater's Korrenspondenzen with over 800 letters can also be explored digitally from today.

03.11.2022 | General, Press Releases, Project News
The online version of the historical-critical edition Arthur Schnitzler digital Beta 3.0 out now.
The binational research project Arthur Schnitzler digital. Digital Historical-Critical Edition (works 1905 to 1931) is now online in a new version Beta 3.0. Accessible at the URL

25.10.2022 | General, Press Releases, Project News
German Research Foundation funds digital edition of Franz Liszt's writings
Franz Liszt was not only a pianist and composer, but also left behind an extensive literary oeuvre in which he addressed social, cultural and aesthetic issues of his time. German, French and Hungarian scholars have now undertaken to publish all of Liszt's writings as an annotated and freely accessible digital edition. The project, led by Prof. Rainer Kleinertz (Saarland University), Prof. Dr. Dorothea Redepenning (Heidelberg University) and Dr. Claudia Bamberg (Trier Center for Digital Humanities), is being funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for an initial period of three years with around 500,000 euros.

20.10.2022 | Events, Academic exchange
WissKomm Academy – WissKomm Academy - Gain knowledge and persuasive power
Our employee Henrike Sievers reports on her experiences at the WissKomm Academy. She is one of the first participants in the Rhineland-Palatinate pilot project “WissKomm Academy - Getting to the Heart of Science.”

26.09.2022 | General, Events, Press Releases, Project News
Trier Center for Digital Humanities team presents at “Digital Humanities 2022” conference
A team of researchers from the Trier Center for Digital Humanities presented their work at Digital Humanities 2022, the annual conference of the International Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). This year's Digital Humanities Conference was held under the motto “Responding to Asian Diversity” and took place in Tokyo on July 25-29 2022, but remotely for the majority of the participants.

15.09.2022 | General, Academic exchange
Wide range of projects
Three months go by pretty fast. Unfortunately, we already have to say goodbye to our fellow Sofia Justham Bello. She was part of the team this summer and was able to get a taste of the tasks and challenges of our projects. Sofia has briefly summarized her impressions:

14.09.2022 | General, Project News
In 2022, five new jurisdictional guidelines have been published as part of the "IRDT PaperSeries" series, identifying legal problems from the Mining and Modeling Text project.
27.07.2022 | General, Project News
The MiMoText team published tutorial
The aim of the MiMoTextBase tutorial is to give users, with or without prior knowledge, an impression of the graph, the corpus of French Enlightenment novels, and the potential of Linked Open Data.

18.07.2022 | Press Releases, Project News, Academic exchange
Making early baroque poetry digitally explorable
“Nevertheless be undaunted! Nevertheless do not give up!” The beginning of one of his best-known poems, “To himself,” exemplifies how his texts reflect the literary, artistic, scientific, and confessional discourses and spheres of life typical of the 17th century. Since June 2022, Fleming's complete works have been reedited using digital methods as part of the eight-year research project “Complete Edition of the Latin and German Works of Paul Fleming with Translation of the Latin Works and Commentary and Indexes to the Complete Works.”

12.07.2022 | General
“Dictionaries and Society”
EURALEX 2022 will start today in Mannheim Castle and will offer experts from 43 countries the opportunity for scientific exchange until Saturday.

07.07.2022 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
New Fellows!
As part of our fellowship programs, we currently welcome two fellows of different academic career stages to the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at Trier University.
![August Wilhelm Schlegel: Digitale Edition der Korrespondenz [Version-01-22]. Datengeber: Dresden, Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek, Mscr.Dresd.e.90,XIX,Bd.21,Nr.10 (Handschrift), hier Digitalisat S. ;](/sites/default/files/styles/mittel_kleiner/public/2022-06/Forschungskolloquium%20des%20TCDH%283%29_0.png?itok=GBQCwrmm)
27.06.2022 | General
Workshop on the Letter Correspondents of Novalis and Friedrich Schlegel
A two-day workshop on the exhibition at the German Romantic Museum in Frankfurt am Main, which will focus on Friedrich von Hardenberg's and Friedrich Schlegel's correspondence with renowned female authors of their time, will be held under the direction of the literary scholar Prof. Dr. Frederike Middelhoff (Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt).

24.06.2022 | General, Events, Project News, Academic exchange
ELEXIS Showcase Event in Florence
With the words “Review and preview of the research work at the same time!” our project member Anne Klee summarizes her conference impressions from Florence for the final conference of the Horizon 2020 project ELEXIS “European Lexicographic Infrastructure”.

22.06.2022 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
The digital Goethe dictionary is linked with Goethe editions
The Trier Dictionary Network continues to grow! In the future, access to further external resources will be possible.

09.06.2022 | General, Events, Academic exchange
Shakespeare translations re-edit?
From 13.06.2022 to 16.06.2022 the conference “Die Shakespeare-Übersetzungen von August Wilhelm Schlegel und des Tieck-Kreises. Context - History - Edition” in cooperation with the Commission for the Edition of Texts since the 18th Century in the Arbeitsgemeinschaft für germanistische Edition and the Sächsische Landesbibliothek - Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek (SLUB) Dresden. The TCDH is co-organizer, furthermore the team will contribute with different lectures.

31.05.2022 | General
Call for Papers | DHd2023
The 9th annual conference of the association “Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum e.V.” will take place at the University of Trier and the University of Luxembourg from 13 to 17 March 2023 on the topic “OpenHumanities, OpenCulture”. The organizers, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities of the University of Trier (TCDH) and the Center for Contemporary and Digital History of the Université du Luxembourg (C²DH), invite you to participate in the annual conference of the German-speaking Digital Humanities and look forward to an exciting week of conferences in the greater Trier-Luxembourg region.

16.05.2022 | General, Press Releases
From the note box to the Internet and back: Low German digital and networked
Researchers at the Universities of Rostock and Trier are developing a first component of a digital network of Low German dialect dictionaries and their sources.

29.04.2022 | Jobs, Project News
We are looking for reinforcements for our team!
Join the team of the Competence Center - Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)! We are looking for reinforcements in the project “Wossidlo Teuchert” online.

12.04.2022 | General
Happy Easter
We would like to thank you for your cooperation and wish you sunny holidays!

30.03.2022 | Project News, Academic exchange
CLS Research: Report and Video published
The team of the project “Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure” around Christof Schöch, Evgeniia Fileva and Iiulia Dudar has summarized the most commonly used approaches in CLS research as part of the European collaborative project "Horizon 2020". The research results were documented and prepared in a user-friendly video format to specify the infrastructure requirements for the research community.

29.03.2022 | General
“MiMoText” team attending DH2022
We are happy! The contribution of the team “MiMoText” to the conference “Digital Humanities 2022 - Responding to Asian Diversity”, was accepted as a short presentation.

11.03.2022 | General, Press Releases
DHd2023: „Open Humanities, Open Culture“
From March 13th to 17th, 2023, two universities in the Greater Region, Trier and Luxembourg, will co-host DHd2023, the largest scientific conference for Digital Humanities.
09.03.2022 | General
SUCHO/Saving Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Online
The researchers of TCDH would like to take this opportunity to point out the initiative, through which the DH community can make its contribution to identify and archive threatened Ukrainian cultural heritage. All information and documentation about it can be found on the mentioned homepage. In addition, you can find very good tutorials, workflows, etc., as well as general information on how the DH community can currently get involved.

08.03.2022 | General, Project News
Skandal-KULTUR reloaded: 3rd blog online
The last blog is about the final work, and in addition, the project participants from TCDH and Freies Deutsches Hochstift take a first look at the Scandal platform, which will be released on May 13, 2022 and presented at Freies Deutsches Hochstift.

03.03.2022 | General, Press Releases
Statement on Ukraine
The TCDH is deeply concerned and worried about the images and news reaching us from Ukraine. Our centre has many international connections, and we fear for our Ukrainian colleagues and their families as well as for staff and students at our university and the TCDH. Our thoughts are with them in great solidarity.

24.02.2022 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
#DHd2022 “Cultures of digital memory” starts
At the 8th annual conference of the association “Digital Humanities in the German-speaking World (DHd)” from March 7 - 11, 2022, the German-speaking digital humanities community will come together to exchange ideas about the latest developments, technologies, and projects in the field. This year, the University of Potsdam and the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam are hosting the DHd conferences, which have been organized since 2014 and have regularly attracted over 600 participants in the past.

18.02.2022 | Jobs
Fellowship for a Postdoctoral Researcher
In the framework of the funding programme “Forschungsinitiative” of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at the University of Trier, Germany, is offering (with a planned start no earlier than 1st May 2022) a fellowship for a postdoctoral researcher on a temporary position as Research Assistant (m/f/d, FTE, Remuneration Group TVL-13, 100%) with a duration of 12 months. The fellowships are connected to the project “Mining and Modeling Text: Interdisciplinary Applications, Informational Development, Legal Perspectives” (MiMoText).

17.02.2022 | Jobs, Project News
Short-term fellowships for PhD students in the “MiMo-Text” project announced
In the framework of the funding programme “Forschungsinitiative” of the federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) at the University of Trier, Germany, is offering several Fellowships for Doctoral Students. Each fellowship has a duration of 3–6 months (with a planned start no earlier than 1st May 2022), depending on the requirements of the proposed fellowship project. The fellowships are connected to the project “Mining and Modeling Text: Interdisciplinary Applications, Informational Development, Legal Perspectives” (MiMoText).

15.02.2022 | General, Project News
News from the #dictionarynetwork!
The linguistic research tool “Wörterbuchnetz” has been extended by further word sections of the Goethe Dictionary (GWb) as well as linked to the platform for dialect research of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences.

04.02.2022 | Press Releases, Project News
Over 600 scattered letters from Henrik Steffens will be digitally networked
With the start of another digital letter edition, the year 2022 begins extremely successfully for the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH). Dr. Marit Bergner from the Institute for Northern Europe at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and Dr. Thomas Burch (TCDH) will be working on the collaborative project “The Correspondence of the Natural Philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773-1845). A scholarly indexing and virtual merging” over the next three years - funded by the German Research Foundation - the scattered letter stock of all about 600 discoverable letters and other first-person documents of Steffens will be merged into a digital collection.

26.01.2022 | General, Project News
Digitizing and Electronic Edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel's Correspondence
With the release of the new version on January 26, 2022, numerous neutranscriptions are again online. In addition, the entire correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel with the circle around Germaine de Staël - insofar as it has been preserved or is accessible - is now published in full text and with an index. The letters were edited, marked up, and prepared for publication by the project team at the University of Marburg.

20.01.2022 | General, Events, Academic exchange
What is the value of things? Concepts of an Economy of Collection.
From July 18 to July 29, 2022, the international Summer School of the Research Network Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel (MWW) will take place at the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel - co-organized by the Head of Research Area“Digital Literary and Cultural Studies” Joëlle Weis.

19.01.2022 | General, Events, Academic exchange
Articles from the Trier dictionary network in the hands-on exhibition “Happiness. About collecting and sharing“
Individual articles from the Trier Dictionary Network are used in the participatory exhibition "Happiness. On Collecting and Sharing" in the form of QR codes on the exhibits. These word lots in a jar are a hands-on element attached to the exhibition furniture to the Gottfried August Bürger Museum. It invites visitors to discover a fraction of Gottfried August Bürger's invented vocabulary. This digital, interactive and contemporary format for communicating the articles of the Trier Dictionary Network shows how the research tool is not only used by scholars, but also provides the general public with quick access to linguistic background knowledge in exhibitions.

11.01.2022 | General, Press Releases, Project News
A digital letter edition on the sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies is now starting at TCDH.
Already in December 2021, the starting signal was given for a newly approved three-year letter editing project at the Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities Essen (KWI), the Schleswig-Holstein State Library (SHLB) and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH): the DFG-funded project “Ferdinand Tönnies Letters: A Digital Edition”.

03.01.2022 | General
New Year's greetings
The team of the TCDH wishes its project partners, colleagues and students a happy new year.

29.12.2021 | General, Project News
A new Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch has been published
The recently published volume of the Kurtrierisches Jahrbuch contains an edition report by Maria Dötsch, Claudia Bamberg and Matthias Bremm on the project “Digital Edition of Peter Fasbender's Pilgrimage Report”.

18.12.2021 | General, Press Releases
A year of new developments is ending. #DHinTrier2021
The year 2021 is coming to an end and we would like to take this moment to look back on an busy year together with you and get in the mood for a new year together.
17.12.2021 | General, Press Releases
Latest issue of the research magazine "konzenTRiert" published
Read in the latest issue of the research magazine "konzenTRiert" how the board of directors has repositioned the center and why we are saying: "We speak fluent D and H.".

16.12.2021 | General, Project News
Legal Manual published
In order to make analysis results comprehensible and verifiable, it is a desideratum of the Digital Humanities to present short parts of analyzed texts. From the perspective of this discipline, this can offer added value to the analysis results of text and data mining. However, these short parts of texts may be protected by copyright.

14.12.2021 | General, Press Releases
Dr. Joëlle Weis is responsible for the research area “Digital Literary and Cultural Studies”
As of December 1, 2021, Dr. Joëlle Weis has joined the team of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) as the new head of the research area “Digital Literary and Cultural Studies”. In close cooperation with the Management Board and together with research partners, staff and students, she will develop and be responsible for new ideas and projects, especially in the third main pillar of the Center for Digital Humanities, the “Digital Literary and Cultural Studies”.

27.11.2021 | General
Opening the Advent calendar doors
The TCDH Advent calendar campaign is presented in a very special way this year, we open the digital doors on our Twitter account @CDHTrier.

16.11.2021 | General
A new publication on “MetaLEX” has been released
As part of the “MetaLEX” project, a new publication by Claudine Moulin and Christof Schöch has been published Open Access.

10.11.2021 | General, Events, Project News
The diverse program for the DH's annual conference in Potsdam is now complete
Three submissions from the project teams “Mining and Modeling Text” (Research Initiative Rhineland-Palatinate) and “Zeta und Konsorten” (DFG) were accepted at DHd 2022.

08.11.2021 | General
Scandal CULTURE reloaded: 2nd blog online
In the second of a total of three blogs, those involved in the project from TCDH and the Freies Deutsches Hochstift provide insights into the current work on the digital scandal platform.

26.07.2021 | General, Events, Project News
Digital Appetizers - available on Youtube
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities has relaunched its Dictionary Network.

15.07.2021 | General, Project News
Digital Edition of the August Wilhelm Schlegel Correspondence: Version 7-21 is online
With the new update, the TCDH team technically ensures the medium-term availability of the Digital Edition of the Correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel. With the new version, Schlegel's complete correspondence with Germaine de Staël has been made available online.

09.07.2021 | General, Press Releases
Exploring linguistic heritage in the digital age
The “Joint Science Conference” has approved the “Text+” network. This nationwide initiative has set itself the goal of preserving text- and language-based research data in the long term and enabling their broad use in science. It is thus starting after several years of preparation and will initially be funded for five years by the German Research Foundation.

08.07.2021 | General, Project News
Scandal CULTURE reloaded: 1st blog online
The first blog on the project "Skandal-KULTUR reloaded" has been published.

15.06.2021 | General, Events, Press Releases
Germany-wide Digitaltag, June 18, 2021
TCDH will take you on a journey through the world of words on the nationwide Digitaltag 2021 together with the Vice President for Research and Infrastructure of the University of Trier, Prof. Dr. Georg Müller-Fürstenberger and officially relaunch the new website of the Trier Dictionary Network.

11.06.2021 | General, Press Releases
Nothing is as Constant as Change
The website of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) has been completely revised, both technically and in terms of content, and is now characterized by a modern design. This reflects the personnel and structural changes of the past months as well as the three new research areas.

31.05.2021 | Press Releases, Project News
Digital Letter Edition on the Freiberg Naturalist Abraham Gottlob Werner is Online
Since the end of May 2021, the digital edition of the letters to the Freiberg naturalist Abraham Gottlob Werner has been online as a beta version. Around 700 letters to Werner can be viewed in open access, together with information on the context of the correspondence.

11.05.2021 | Press Releases, Project News
Stefan Heym's “Ahasver” in a Digital Edition
With the project “Stefan Heym: Ahasver”, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities and the TU Chemnitz were granted research funds for a pilot project on a digital historical-critical edition by the German Research Foundation.

28.04.2021 | Events, Project News
Digital Launch of "Fontane Chronik Digital" and the "Fontane Briefdatenbank"
As part of the event series "Neues Altes von Fontane" at the Theodor Fontane Archive of the University of Potsdam, the launch of the two new digital services "Fontane Chronik digital" and the "Fontane Briefdatenbank" will take place on Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 7:00 pm [Zoom, registration required]. Both services were technically implemented with the help of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH).

27.04.2021 | General, Project News
Deutschlandfunk Reports on CLS Infrastructure
Prof. Schöch gives an interview in the news magazine of Deutschlandfunk about the start of the European research project "CLS Infrastructure".

16.04.2021 | Press Releases, Project News
Computational Methods to Unlock Literary Secrets
Trier Center for Digital Humanities partners with 12 European institutions to build new resources to aid digital decoding of literature

10.03.2021 | General, Project News
vDHd2021 - Focus on Experimentation and Innovation
This year, the DHd will not take place in presence as usual. Instead, an alternative, purely digital and community-based format called vDHd21 will be realized due to the pandemic. The focus will be on experimentation and the innovation potential of the Digital Humanities. The vDHd2021 events are divided into two conference phases, March 23–26, 2021 and September 13–17, 2021, which will be linked by additional events.

16.02.2021 | General, Events, Press Releases
CFP: Besitz und Gebrauch – Bücher in bürgerlicher Hand (Workshop)
The workshop Possession and Use - Books in Civil Ownership will take place on December 2nd and 3rd, 2021 in the RFB Wittenberg. Entries can be submitted until May 15, 2021.
21.01.2021 | General, Press Releases
New Executive Director at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)
Dr Claudia Bamberg is the new head of the research department “Digital Edition and Digital Lexicography” at the TCDH .

19.01.2021 | Project News
Research Reports: Tracing the Tracks of the Embroider Hans Plock
For one month, Carolin Geib, member of academic staff at the TCDH, used the Reformation History Research Library in Wittenberg (RFB) for a research stay.

13.01.2021 | General
Presentation of Exciting DH Projects
In the annual edition of "konzenTRiert", three articles on exciting projects of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) appeared.

16.12.2020 | General
December 2020: Christmas is Here!
Christmas Greetings to Our Friends and Research Partners

29.09.2020 | General, Project News
Online Availability of the Digital Edition of "The Comedy of Seduction" by Arthur Schnitzler in Version Beta 2.1
On September 29th, 2020, the historical-critical edition of the play “Komödie der Verführung”, first published in 1924 by S. Fischer Verlag, went online.

14.09.2020 | Project News, Academic exchange
Research Reports: The Luther Bible of the Silk Embroider Hans Plock
Carolin Geib is a guest at the Reformation History Research Library (RFB) Wittenberg.

17.06.2020 | General, Project News
Congratulations on Passing the Doctoral Examination
Dr. Matthias Bremm, employee at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, did his doctorate on March 18, 2020 at the University of Trier in Faculty II, Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanties.

13.05.2020 | General
Member of the centerNet again
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities is now part of the DH international research network again.

11.05.2020 | General, Project News
Research project Muya receives award
The “Film Living Zoroastrianism VR Installation” received a special award at the 2020 BAFTSS (British Association of Film, Television and Screen Studies) awards.

02.04.2020 | Project News
August Wilhelm Schlegel letter edition receives new update
The latest version of the August Wilhelm Schlegel letter edition was reloaded on April 1st, 2020.

31.03.2020 | General, Project News
First volume available online
The project „Briefe und Akten zur Kirchenpolitik Friedrichs des Weisen und Johanns des Beständigen“ has been researching since 2014 the church policy of Frederick the Wise and John the Steadfast for the period from 1513 to 1532.

05.03.2020 | General, Project News
The TCDH at the DHd 2020 in Paderborn
TCDH employees are present at this year's DHd in Paderborn.

16.12.2019 | General
Academy Center for the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times founded
The Academy of Sciences and Literature has founded an Academy Center for the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (AMZ), which in future will coordinate and organize the interdisciplinary cooperation of research projects in this area.
02.11.2019 | Project News
The house bible of the silk embroiderer Hans Plock (1490-1570)
As part of the research project „Digitalisierung der Hausbibel des Seidenstickers Hans Plock“ , a workshop took place on October 31 and November 1, 2019 in the Märkisches Museum / Berlin, where the project was presented.

16.10.2019 | General
Digital Originals
Prof. Gärtner is speaking in Marbach from the beginnings of computer philology to the digital dictionary of the Brothers Grimm.

02.09.2019 | Jobs, Project News
Job Advertisement: Academic staff project coordination and data modeling Mining and Modeling Text
As part of the “Mining and Modeling Text” project, a position for scientific collaboration in the field of project coordination and data modeling is to be filled.

07.07.2019 | Events, Project News
International symposium: 100 years of Merz
TCDH goes DADA: from 05. until 06.07.2019 our researchers present the newly created hybrid edition of the Merz 1923-1932 series at the symposium in the Sprengel Museum Hannover.

27.06.2019 | Jobs, Project News
Job Advertisement: Academic staff Mining and Modeling Text
As part of the “Mining and Modeling Text” project, a position for scientific collaboration in the area of: Information Retrieval (m / f / d) is advertised.

26.06.2019 | Jobs, Project News
Job Advertisement: Academic staff ELEXIS
As part of the "ELEXIS" project, a position as a research assistant for web application development (m / f / d) is advertised.

17.06.2019 | General
Dr. Silvia Ulrich as ErasmusPlus visiting scholar at the University of Trier
Dr. Silvia Ulrich visits the University of Trier and the TCDH as an ErasmusPlus scientist.

31.05.2019 | General, Project News
Schwitters "Merz" fresh out of print
The Sprengel Museum Hannover is celebrating Schwitters “Merzkunst” with its own exhibition.

18.04.2019 | General, Project News
New releases: Schnitzler’s "Doktor Gräsler" now online
As part of the “Arthur Schnitzler digital.” Project, the published story Doctor Gräsler, Badearzt went online.

07.03.2019 | General, Project News
Ivana Filipovic Petrovic with ELEXIS visiting grant at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)
Ivana Filipovic Petrovic with ELEXIS visiting grant at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)

15.10.2018 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
Erasmus Job Shadowing
Computer scientist Thierry Kaufmann visits Trier as part of Erasmus Job Shadowing.

17.09.2018 | General, Project News
Another online digital transition at Arthur Schnitzler.
A significant part of the literary estate of the Austrian modernist writer, Arthur Schnitzler, is held in Cambridge University Library, having been saved by the intercession of a Cambridge student from probable destruction at the hands of the Nazis in Vienna in 1938. Eighty years later, the UK editorial team of the binational project Arthur Schnitzler digital has published the cycle of one-act dramas Marionetten (1880–1906), an early work of the author, online.

08.08.2018 | General, Project News
Version 1.0 of the digital edition of Fräulein Else goes online
As part of the binational research project "Arthur Schnitzler digital", the first edition of "Fräulein Else" went online.

31.07.2018 | General
Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) is a member of the Federation of Stylometry Labs
The TCDH has been a member of the Federation of Stylometry Labs (FoSL) since June 2018, which already includes research centers in Newcastle, Krakow, Antwerp, Würzburg, Amsterdam and Stanford.

21.06.2018 | Jobs
Call for Applications: Short-term Research Fellowships
Short-term fellowships of up to three months are available.

13.04.2018 | Project News, Academic exchange
Dr. Vera Hildenbrandt präsentiert die neuesten Fortschritte in den Digital Humanities
Die Geschäftsführerin des TCDH, Dr. Vera Hildenbrandt, besuchte kürzlich die Universität von La Laguna und stand im Austausch zu Studierenden und Wissenschaftler:innen der Forschungsgruppe Lexikographie und Geschichte.

16.02.2018 | General, Events
The TCDH takes part in the DHd conference 2018 in Cologne from February 26 to March 2nd
This year’s fifth conference of the association for „Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum“ will take place at University of Cologne from 26th February to 2nd March 2018. Some members of the TCDH will contribute to the meeting, which will be held under the main theme of „Kritik der Digitalen Vernunft“.

17.01.2018 | General
Prof Moulin on the advisory board of the Herzog August Library
The director of the TCDH Prof Dr Claudine Moulin was appointed to the Scientific Advisory Board of the Herzog August Bibliothek (HAB) Wolfenbüttel at the beginning of 2018.

28.07.2017 | General
The digital Luxembourg language atlas is available online in the regional language portal
The Digital Luxembourg Language Atlas (LuxSA) has been integrated into the research platform of the Marburg research center “German Language Atlas” and is accessible to interested parties.
28.06.2017 | General, Project News
New Work in Progress blog post published
The newly published blog post on the visualization of August Wilhelm Schlegel's letter network deals with the creative implementation and work on user-friendliness.

30.05.2017 | General, Project News
Edition of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium
As part of the project digital edition and indexing of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514) as the first module of a digital portal of the Rhenish Heiltumsdrucke, the TCDH wants to draw attention to the investigation of Enen's writing.

09.05.2017 | General, Project News
Blog posts to give first impressions of Schlegel exhibition in Frankfurt a. M.
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) has developed an interactive visualization of the mail network as part of the "August Wilhelm Schlegel" exhibition. Read the details in the blog post.

06.02.2017 | General, Project News
Digital Edition of the Augsburg Master Builder’s Ledgers available online
The digital edition of the first five volumes of the Augsburger Baumeisterbücher are now available online to anyone interested.

02.02.2017 | General, Project News
Romansh TV Team at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)
A team from Radiotelevisiun Svizra Rumantscha (RTR) visited TCDH today to make recordings for a documentary about the Rhaeto-Romanic dialect dictionary Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (DRG).

27.10.2016 | General, Project News
New project at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)
Since October 1st, 2016, the TCDH has been working in a joint project with the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen to make the revised version available for free use on the Internet.

01.09.2016 | General, Project News
Machines and manuscripts: new themed room in the Virtual Museum Digital Humanities is online
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) has set up another themed room in its virtual museum, in which the exhibition “Machines and Manuscripts” can be visited permanently.

25.08.2016 | General
Master's degree in Digital Humanities
Going on to a master’s degree after completing your bachelor’s degree can be a worthwhile investment in your future - especially if you choose an emerging subject with excellent job prospects. The Master’s degree in Digital Humanities at Trier University offers many exciting perspectives.

16.06.2016 | General, Project News
Article on the new Kurt Schwitters project published in the Trier University Journal
The new issue of the university journal - the magazine of the University of Trier - also published a comprehensive article about the new interdisciplinary project "Kurt Schwitters' intermediale networks of the avant-garde", on which the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) has been working since March 2016. The project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

06.05.2016 | General, Academic exchange
Edition of the marginal notes
José L. Losada Palenzuela visits the TCDH. He did his doctorate on the marginalia of Arthur Schopenhauer.

28.04.2016 | General, Project News
The Old Occitan Dictionary is online
In the Dictionnaire de l'Occitan Médiéval (DOM) project, an online version of the Old Occitan dictionary was completed.

25.02.2016 | General, Project News
TCDH takes part in the Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval Studies at Fordham University, New York
Competence Center takes part in the conference of the Center for Medieval Studies.

14.09.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange
CFP: Beyond Methods of Mining
The University of Utrecht is holding a workshop in September to develop how the processed research data can be used for historical research.

22.07.2015 | General, Academic exchange
CFP: "Digital Humanities Autumn School“ in Trier and Luxembourg
The first Trier Digital Humanities Autumn School will take place in September 2015 on the subject of “Methodological Intersections”. Registration by August 17, 2015

21.07.2015 | General
CFP: DHd annual conference 2016 in Leipzig on the subject of „Modellierung - Vernetzung – Visualisierung“
The 3rd annual conference of the association "Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries" will take place in March 2016 in Leipzig on the subject of „Modellierung - Vernetzung - Visualisierung“. Contributions can be submitted until September 15, 2015.

15.07.2015 | General, Project News
"International Campus": Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate Dreyer visits University of Trier & Meets Joshgun Sirajzade
Prime Minister Malu Dreyer visited the University of Trier on June 15, 2015.

17.04.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange
CFP: „Corpus-based Research in the Humanities“: CRH-Workshop in Warsaw/Poland
Call for papers for the CRH workshop on December 10, 2015 Warsaw until September 20 possible.

17.03.2015 | General, Project News
Young Researcher Awarded CLARIN-D Travelling Scholarship
For his teaching a workshop at the second annual DHd conference 2015, held in Graz from 23-27 February, Matthias Schneider, working at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities since 2010, has been awarded a CLARIN-D travelling scholarship.

12.03.2015 | General
Award-winning Doctoral Thesis now Available Online
Joshgun Sirajzade's dissertation now freely available.

11.03.2015 | General
Claudine Moulin Elected Chair of "Digital Humanities im deutschsprachigen Raum" (DHd)
Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin elected first chairwoman of the Association Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries (DHd).

05.03.2015 | General
Digital Humanities on Deutschlandradio Kultur
Reporter from Deutschlandradio Kultur visits the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.

05.02.2015 | General, Project News
Project Accepted in the Frame of the Support Initiative "Innovative Lehre"
The project „Lehren und Lernen im Virtuellen Museum – Digitale Geisteswissenschaften innovativ“ from TCDH is funded by the Nikolaus Koch Foundation and the E-Learning Coordination Office as part of the "Innovative Teaching" funding initiative.

14.01.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange
DHd 2015 in Graz with participation of the TCDH
At the Dhd 2015, organized by the Center for Information Modeling - Austrian Center for Digital Humanities, the TCDH will also be represented with project presentations and workshops.

08.01.2015 | General, Project News
South Hessian Dictionary Linked to Dictionary Network
The South Hessian dictionary has recently become searchable via the dictionary network.

18.12.2014 | General, Project News
TV Programme on “Arthur Schnitzler Digital”
WDR reports about „Arthur Schnitzler digital“

03.12.2014 | General
Cooperation with Russian Academy of Sciences
Cooperation with the Russian Academy of Sciences

27.11.2014 | General
Establishment of a programming group
A programming group to impart basic programming skills in the field of digital humanities is set up and offers programming tasks for all departments.

13.11.2014 | General
Joshgun Sirajzade receives award for outstanding PhD paper
Joshgun Sirajzade receives sponsorship award for outstanding doctorates. The subject of the dissertation is The Luxembourgish-language oeuvre of Michel Rodange (1827–1876). Edition-philological and corpus-linguistic analysis. Joshgun Sirajzade has been a research assistant at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities since 2012.

12.11.2014 | General, Events, Project News
Deadline Extension: Call for Posters: Machines and Manuscripts. Opportunities for the Automatic Pattern Recognition and Analysis of Historical Documents
International conference from February 19 to 20, 2015 at KIT in Karlsruhe extends the deadline for submitting posters to November 30, 2014.

24.10.2014 | General, Project News
A 60 seconds science countdown contribution by Dr. Vera Hildenbrandt about the project "Networked Correspondences".

02.10.2014 | General, Academic exchange
DARIAH Tutorial on Codicology
A small tutorial on medieval manuscript studies is now available on the DARIAH-DE (Digital Research Infrastructure for Arts and Humanities) website.

10.07.2014 | General
Master's degree: Digital Humanities
The newly established bilingual (German - English) course is based in the subject Computational Linguistics and Digital Humanities and is offered in cooperation with the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.

02.06.2014 | General, Project News
Digital Schlegel Edition now available as beta version
Starting now, the beta version of the Digital Edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel’s Correspondences is available online for free, including an extensive corpus of research findings.

22.05.2014 | General, Project News
New Project Page Arthur Schnitzler digital
The binational project “Arthur Schnitzler digital” has now got its own project webpage informing about contents, tools, and current events.
21.05.2014 | General, Project News
eCodicology: page now available in English
The project website of the "eCodicology" project is now also available online.

12.05.2014 | General, Project News
FuD & Transcribo merge together
The transcription tool Transcribo, developed as part of the Arthur Schnitzler: Digital Historical-Critical Edition project, now has the option of being connected to an existing R&D system.

23.04.2014 | General
Martin Sievers elected chairman of DANTE e.V.
At the 50th general meeting of the German-speaking user association TeX (DANTE) e. V. Martin Sievers, employee of the competence center, has been re-elected chairman of the non-profit association.

14.04.2014 | General, Events, Academic exchange
TCDH projects presented at DH2014 in Lausanne
Workspace for Collaborative Editing, XML-Print, SeNeReKo, Arthur Schnitzler: Digital historical-critical edition and EGO | European history represented online competence center at DH2014 in Lausanne.

08.04.2014 | General, Academic exchange
Reading Group
Reading Group discusses current topics in the digital humanities.

03.04.2014 | General, Project News
DFG grants project on Augsburg Master Builder's Ledgers
The project „Die Augsburger Baumeisterbücher: digitale Edition, Kommentar und Präsentation der mittelalterlichen Stadtrechnungen von 1320 bis 1466“ starts at TCDH with funding from the DFG.

31.03.2014 | General, Project News
DHd Conference 2014: Accolade for Epistolary Networks | Exilnetz 33
The presentation of „Vernetzte Korrespondenzen | Exilnetz33“ was awarded 1st place in the poster session.

10.03.2014 | General, Academic exchange
Blog by Prof Dr Claudine Moulin wins jury award
The blog post „Codices im Netz – Die Digitalisierung mittelalterlicher Handschriften und ihre Konsequenzen“ in the blog by Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin has received an award.

19.02.2014 | General, Academic exchange
Scientific Blogs Nominated for Blogaward 2014
On the occasion of the second birthday of, - a blog portal for the German-speaking humanities and social sciences, numerous blogs are available for voting for the 2014 Blogaward.

17.02.2014 | General, Project News, Academic exchange
Projects Presented at DHd 2014
The first DHd conference takes place at the University of Passau.

15.01.2014 | General, Project News
eCodicology: New Project Website
Project website went online.

19.12.2013 | General, Press Releases
Prof Dr Claudine Moulin Awarded Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate
Malu Dreyer, Ministerial President of Rhineland-Palatinate, awarded the highest honour of state to the Academic Director of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, Prof Dr Claudine Moulin, for her work in the Digital Humanities.

07.11.2013 | General, Academic exchange
"What are Digital Humanities?"
Prof Dr Caroline Sporleder reports on digital humanities in the journal „Forschung und Lehre“.

22.08.2013 | General, Project News
DFG grants project "Media-historical, methodological, and media-technological Principles of the Digitisation of Works in the Historical Art of Projection"
Fundamental project of media science research on historical projection art receives funding approval from the DFG.

25.07.2013 | General
Trier Center for Digital Humanities: Substantial Grant for Research Project
HERA program funds three-year research project „Asymmetrical Encounters: E-Humanity Approaches to Reference Cultures in Europe, 1815–1992“ of the University of Trier, the University of Utrecht and the University College London.

15.07.2013 | General, Academic exchange
Conference “Digital Humanities 2013” with Vivien Friedrich and Patrick Heck
Vivien Friedrich (Bergische Universität Wuppertal) and Patrick Heck (Trier Center for Digital Humanities) will speak at DH 2013 on July 17th, 2013.

11.07.2013 | General, Academic exchange
Young Researchers in Digital Humanities: A Manifesto
Manifest "Yes we digital" published with the most important points of view, challenges and institutional needs of the digital humanities.

27.06.2013 | General, Events, Project News
“What does it say there?” – Flora and Fauna in the Trier Dictionary Network
Under the motto “What is there?”, Posters were presented on selected terms of flora and fauna from the Trier dictionary network.

08.04.2013 | General, Project News
Corpus Augustinianum Gissense (CAG) now online available
The Corpus Augustinianum Gissense a Cornelio Mayer editum (CAG) is now available as an online source.

27.03.2013 | General
Radio Feature on Digital Humanities
On March 29th 2013 at 4:30 pm, the Deutschlandfunk broadcasts a thirty minute feature on digital humanities in its series “Wissenschaft im Brennpunkt” (Focal Point Science). The episode focuses on the Trier Center for Digital Humanities.

21.01.2013 | General, Academic exchange
Prof Dr Claudine Moulin on ‘Scientific Communication in Europe’
Prof Dr Claudine Moulin writes a statement on the subject „Wissenschaftskommunikation in Europa“

27.11.2012 | General
Prof. Claudine Moulin on the "digitization of our cultural assets"
A short interview on the digitization of our cultural assets by the institute director Prof. Claudine Moulin.

18.10.2012 | General
Interregional Academic Award for Trier Historical Linguists
Research project “Medieval archives of the Greater Region” receives the SaarLB Foundation Prize for the cross-border dimension of the project. Medieval documents from the Greater Region have been found and provide information, for example, on everyday life or on political relations between Trier and Lorraine or in Luxembourg.

15.10.2012 | General, Academic exchange
OpenEdition Publishes Statement on Open Access
OpenEdition publishes a statement on Open Access

12.09.2012 | General, Project News
New Release: XML-Print 1.0 Published
Version 1.0 of the open source editor XML-Print, which was developed at the Competence Center together with partners from the FH Worms and TU Darmstadt with funding from the DFG, has been available for download since the beginning of September.

25.05.2012 | General, Project News
Manuscript from the Cologne City Archive is now available as a digital edition
A digital edition created by a project team led by Monika Hanauska, M.A. and Dr. Natalia Filatkina at the University of Trier makes the text accessible again at, at least virtually.

22.05.2012 | General
Contribution to the Closing Event of the German-Russian Year of Science
Two scientists from the University of Trier are also involved in the design of the supporting program. "Connected! - Networks from a German-Russian perspective ”is the name of the panel in which Dr. Natalia Filatkina (Sofja Kovalevskaja junior research group "HiFoS") and Dr. Vera Hildenbrandt (Trier Center for Digital Humanities) will present two projects in which the central idea of the Science Year - networking across cultural and professional boundaries - is implemented in an exemplary manner.

28.03.2012 | General
„Il faut devenir international et interdisciplinaire.“
Professor Claudine Moulin gave an interview to the Swiss online portal

27.02.2012 | General
Trier Center for Digital Humanities presents itself at the Digital Humanities 2012 in Hamburg
The TCDH will present itself with individual projects at the DH 2012. The director of the institute, Prof. Moulin, will hold the keynote.

29.12.2011 | General, Project News
DFG grants Project “Digitising and Electronic Editing of August Wilhelm Schlegel’s Correspondence”
The DFG granted the Project “Digitising and Electronic Editing of August Wilhelm Schlegel’s Correspondence” at the Saxon Regional Library – State and University Library Dresden and the Institute for Modern German Literature at Marburg University in cooperation with the TCDH.

30.11.2011 | General, Project News
“Arthur Schnitzler: Complete Works. The Digital Historical-Critical Edition” granted
Arthur Schnitzler project was approved by the program of the Union of German Academies of Sciences.

04.11.2011 | General, Project News
Heinrich-Heine-Institute Introduces “Grabbe Portal”
Shortly before the 201th birthday of the poet, the Heinrich-Heine-Institute Düsseldorf introduced the Grabbe Portal, project in cooperation with the Lippische State Library and the TCDH.

06.10.2011 | General
Digital research infrastructures in the humanities
European Science Foundation position paper on digital research infrastructures in the humanities published.

28.07.2011 | General, Project News
Greifswald: Wolfgang Koeppen research project granted
The DFG granted the project “Wolfgang Koeppen’s “Jugend” / “Youth” at Greifswald University. The digital genetic edition will be established in cooperation with the TCDH.

24.08.2010 | General, Project News
The "Digital Peters": The largest world map of the time is now available on DVD
In collaboration with numerous renowned scholars, Arno Peters (1916-2002) created a two-volume table work in atlas format: Synchronous Optical World History, in which the broad lines and connections of world history were shown for the first time using a new method of representation. In a roughly three-year cooperation between Büro-W (Wiesbaden) and the competence center for electronic cataloging and publication processes in the humanities at the University of Trier, the book edition was further developed into "Digital Peters" on DVD-ROM.

26.03.2010 | General
Scientist from Trier sets globally applicable standards in the TEI's executive committee
Member of the 'TEI Council' member of the competence center for electronic cataloging and publication procedures in the humanities at the University of Trier

02.07.2009 | General
Humanities on the way to the electronic future
The valuable knowledge stores for opening up, securing and visualizing our cultural heritage, which are developed in the academy program, are prepared for the challenges of the digital future. In cooperation with the competence center for electronic cataloging and publication processes in the humanities at the University of Trier, the Academies Union would like to open up new possibilities so that the critical editions of our poets and thinkers, the musicians' complete editions and the extensive dictionary projects of the academies for as long as possible and in a contemporary way and in a way that will be available to future generations.

14.01.2009 | General
Research alliances at Trier University will receive over 8 million euros in 3.5 years
Six research groups will mark the profile of the University of Trier in the future. These are funded annually with 2.4 million euros for a period of three and a half years as part of the state-wide research initiative 2008-2011 "Research creates knowledge - knowledge creates future".

13.10.2008 | General
10 years competence center for electronic cataloging and publication processes in the humanities at the University of Trier
The competence center celebrates its birthday.

11.06.2008 | General, Project News
e-Humanities at the University of Trier
The Collaborative Research Center 600 and the “Competence Center for Electronic Cataloging and Publication Processes in the Humanities” made a new version of the “Research Network and Database System” (FuD) software system available at the end of May. With this integrated research platform for the humanities, new ways of EDP-supported scientific work are being explored.

08.04.2008 | General, Project News
The Competence Center for Electronic Indexing Processes in the Humanities "of the University of Trier cooperates with the Marburg research center" Deutscher Sprachatlas ". Since the beginning of 2008 the major humanities project for researching the German regional language has been started, which the federal-state commission as sponsor of the academies will fund science with 14 million euros over a period of 19. The project “” was initiated by the research center “Deutscher Sprachatlas” at the Marburg Philipps University in cooperation with the Trier “Competence Center for Electronic Indexing and Publication Processes in the Humanities "applied for.

04.12.2007 | General, Project News
„Akten der Reichskanzlei. Weimarer Republik“ online
The central source edition on the political history of the Weimar Republic, published between 1968 and 1990 in 23 volumes by the Historical Commission at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Federal Archives, has been freely accessible on the Internet since today.

23.11.2007 | General, Events
Research into medieval libraries
Research into library holdings is the focus of this workshop, which ties in with the first HKFZ library workshop "Reconstruction and Development of Medieval Libraries: New Forms of Manuscript Indexing and Manuscript Presentation".

18.10.2006 | General
Young scientist from Trier receives the highly endowed Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize
Dr. Natalia Filatkina has been awarded the Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AHS). The AHS Sofja Kovalevskaja Prize is financed by the Federal Ministry for Research and Education and is currently one of the most highly endowed science prizes in Germany.