DHd 2015 in Graz with participation of the TCDH
Martin Sievers and Matthias Schneider represent the TCDH in Graz
14.01.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange

At the second annual conference of the Association of Digital Humanities in German-speaking countries (DHd), organized by the Center for Information Modeling - Austrian Center for Digital Humanities, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities will also be represented with project presentations and workshops.
Under the motto “Von Daten zu Erkenntnissen: Digitale Geisteswissenschaften als Mittler zwischen Information und Interpretation”, a varied program will be offered in Graz from February 23 to 27, 2015. The conference will take place in workshops, lectures, panels and discussions. central questions about the added value through the use of digital methods or the future importance of data in the generation of knowledge or interdisciplinary synergies for theory formation through methods, techniques and infrastructures.
The Trier Center for Digital Humanities, represented by Matthias Schneider, will offer a workshop on TUSTEP as a tool for the digital humanities on Monday. On Tuesday, Martin Sievers will demonstrate the use of TeX using the example of critical editions.
In addition, the projects eCodicology will be presented in the “Geschichte II” panel on Thursday and SeNeReKo in the “Empirische Ansätze” panel on Friday.
- Abstract Presentation Martin Sievers (307.58 KB)
- Slides Vortrag Martin Sievers (2.23 MB)