First volume available online
On the church policy of Frederick the Wise and John the Steadfast
31.03.2020 | General, Project News

The project „Briefe und Akten zur Kirchenpolitik Friedrichs des Weisen und Johanns des Beständigen 1513 bis 1532. Reformation im Kontext frühneuzeitlicher Staatswerdung“ of the Saxon Academy of Sciences in Leipzig has been researching the church politics of Frederick the Wise and John the Constant for the period from 1513 to 1532. After the first volume of the edition for the years 1513 to 1517 was published in print in 2017 with the help of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, all documents (registers and full texts including all remarks and comments) of this volume have now been available since March 13, 2020 also freely viewable as an open access edition. All texts can be searched using the full text search. The digital edition was technically designed and implemented in cooperation with the Trier Center for Digital Humaniities. In addition to the 658 sources that are now fully viewable and searchable up to 1517, the website currently offers around 800 additional sources in metadata.