Trier Center for Digital Humanities presents itself at the Digital Humanities 2012 in Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin gives keynote speech
27.02.2012 | General

The Digital Humanities, or “DH” for short, is one of the most important major events in the field of digital humanities, which is why the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) was of course also represented. This year the internationally important conference was organized by the University of Hamburg and took place here from July 16-22, 2012.
Before the actual conference began, a DHD Unconference was initially scheduled, the focus of which was the establishment of a German regional association Digital Humanities Germany (DHD), which is to establish itself in the future as a lobby group and common platform for the diverse DH activities in German-speaking countries. As a representative of the TCDH, one of the oldest research centers in Germany in this field, Prof. Claudine Moulin was elected to the board of the DHD and will now not only co-determine the digital humanities throughout Germany, but also in the European Association for Literary and Linguistic through the regional association DHD Computing (ALLC) as well as in the international umbrella organization Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO).
On the evening of the second day of DH 2012, Prof. Moulin presented his own positions on the importance of digital humanities in a keynote under the title “Dynamics and Diversity: Exploring European and Transnational Perspectives on Digital Humanities Research Infrastructures” and emphasized that the preservation and The documentation of cultural and linguistic variance is not only one of the most important challenges in the development of scientific methodologies and for the future of digital humanities, but also one of the key topics of European and international (science) policy and research funding.
In addition, other employees of the Trier Center contributed to the DH 2012 program: The young scientists Michael Bender and Joshgun Sirajzade, who had both traveled to Hamburg on a previously acquired scholarship, presented their dissertation projects at the DH Science Slam. The Trier cooperation project XML-Print (together with the Center for Technology Transfer and Telecommunication in Worms) demonstrated live the software of the same name for the rule-based formatting and generation of sophisticated text results from any XML files to the interested specialist public. Various TCDH projects were also represented with poster presentations at the associated project fair.