Young Researchers in Digital Humanities: A Manifesto

Manifesto „Yes we digital” published

11.07.2013 | General, Academic exchange

Manifest "Yes we digital" published with the most important points of view, challenges and institutional needs of the digital humanities.

“Yes we digital” – with this slogan, the manifesto of the international conference “Digital Humanities am DHIP #5: Forschungsbedingungen und Digital Humanities – Welche Perspektiven hat der Nachwuchs?” (Digital Humanities at the DHIP #5: Research Conditions and Digital Humanities – Which Possibilities are there for Young Researchers?) was published. The conference had taken place at the Deutsches Historisches Institut in Paris on the 10th and 11th of June 2013.

The manifesto brings together the most important standing points and challenges as well as the urgent institutional need that had been articulated in a public ‘BlogParade’ and during the conference.

Tags: Scientific Support for young Researchers (graduate and scholarship programs), Science Communication and Knowledge Transfer, Research and Teaching