Schwitters "Merz" fresh out of print
Exhibition in the Sprengel Museum Hannover
31.05.2019 | General, Project News
With Matthias Bremm and Martin Sievers, the TCDH actively ensured that „Kurt Schwitters: Die Merz Reihe 1923-1932“ was created as open access. Those who prefer to wait for the print version can buy it in stores since June 3, 2019.
The Sprengel Museum Hannover is celebrating Schwitters “Merzkunst” with its own exhibition. The lively media coverage shows the interest in his work. The Tagesschau reports with its own contribution. There were also radio reports on NDR, WDR, Radio Bremen and Deutschlandfunk. You can find more information about the project at:
Link: Sprengel Museum Hannover