Digital Schlegel Edition now available as beta version
First result of the cooperation project digitization and electronic edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel's correspondence
02.06.2014 | General, Project News

As a first result in the project „Digitising and Electronic Editing of August Wilhelm Schlegel’s Correspondences“ in cooperation with partners at SLUB and Philipps-Universität Marburg, a major part of the Romanticist’s extensive epistolary correspondences has been made available online.
The remarkably voluminous corpus already digitised and put online includes about 3.500 original letter manuscripts, nearly all of the 2.450 printed letters, 20 transcripts and 20 short autobiographies of correspondence partners. The Digital Schlegel Edition is the first of its kind to bring together letters from various literary estates, collections, and letter editions in a freely accessible portal and, thus, enables easy and central access to August Wilhelm Schlegel’s correspondences.
As a translator, critic, and philologist, August Wilhelm Schlegel was a key figure in the communication of romanticist ideas and knowledge into the middle class public and more scholarly environments. The Digital Edition of his correspondence honours his outstanding position and supports further research particularly in the fields of Cultural Studies, History (of Knowledge), and intercultural exchange.
In the future, the project partners will be working particularly on correlations, transcripts, and the continuing input of further autographs onto the portal.