Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) is a member of the Federation of Stylometry Labs

The focus is on a common interest in stylometric methods of analyzing literary texts

31.07.2018 | General

The TCDH has been a member of the Federation of Stylometry Labs (FoSL) since June 2018, which already includes research centers in Newcastle, Krakow, Antwerp, Würzburg, Amsterdam and Stanford.
TCDH General

Since June 2018, the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH) is a member of the Federation of Stylometry Labs (FoSL), which already includes research centres in Newcastle, Krakow, Antwerp, Würzburg, Amsterdam and Stanford. The federation aims at the networking and mutual information of researchers as well as groups of researchers who have a common interest in stylometric methods of the analysis of literary texts at the interface between linguistics, statistics, computational linguistics and computer science. Here again, the TCDH’s widespread international network becomes visible. The federation’s aims will be realized especially through the exchange between the participating research centres. Currently, in this context, there is a project funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD in the frame of a project based exchange of academics on the topic "Enhanced metadata for improved precision and validation in analytical sylometry". Together with the cooperation partners at Newcastle University in Australia, here the accuracy and transparency of quantitative, stylometric methods of measuring text similarity are being improved with the help of metadata. After a stay in Newcastle in March 2018 we are now looking forward to the visit of two representatives of the local Centre for Literary and Linguistic Computing, who are going to stay in Trier for a few days in September 2018. (cs)

Tags: Dissemination and Community Building in the DH, Mitgliedschaften