CFP: „Corpus-based Research in the Humanities“: CRH-Workshop in Warsaw/Poland
Submission of contributions is possible until September 20th
17.04.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange

TCDH's very own Prof Dr Caroline Sporlederis one of the organisers of the first CRH workshop held on 10 December 2015 in Warsaw. The event focuses on an academic exchange regarding institutional work with text corpora and is tailored to computational linguists and researchers in the Humanities working on corpus-based projects (particulaly in the Digital Humanities).
Applications to contribute to the workshop in the form of talks or poster presentations should be submitted by 20 September 2015.
Possible topics for contributions include (but are not limited to):
- specific issues related to the annotation of corpora for research in the Humanities (annotation schemes and principles)
- corpora as a basis for research in the Humanities
- diachronic, historical and literary corpora
- use of corpora for stylometrics and authorship attribution
- philological issues, like different readings, textual variants, apparatus, non-standard orthography and spelling variation
- adaptation of NLP tools for older language varieties
- integration of corpora for the Humanities into language resources infrastructures
- tools for building and accessing corpora for the Humanities
- examples of fruitful collaboration between Computational Linguistics and Humanities in building and exploiting corpora
- theoretical aspects of the use of empirical evidence provided by corpora in the Humanities
Invited Speaker: Prof Dr Reinhard Förtsch, University of Cologne
For further information, please refer to the CRH workshop website:
Link: Workshop