The online version of the historical-critical edition Arthur Schnitzler digital Beta 3.0 out now.
03.11.2022 | General, Press Releases, Project News

Study for portrait etching by Ferdinand Schmutzer, around 1912
Within its framework, a work also becomes accessible for the first time in the category of microgenesis. The innovative digital tool for modular text comparison “Comparo”, developed in the context of the edition, now allows a completely new view of Schnitzler's famous monologue novella Fräulein Else (1924). The micro-genesis display presents documents belonging to a work (e.g. notes, sketches, work transcripts and prints) side by side in the chronology of their creation. The individual records of these documents are automatically compared (collated) and assigned to each other by “Comparo”. The genesis of a text, continuity and change, can be followed in detail in this way. Users can optimize the corresponding view according to their individual research questions. A detailed documentation informs all technologically interested users about the underlying algorithms.
The new version Beta 3.0 of Arthur Schnitzler digital also contains further improvements. In addition to general bug fixes, these include above all a restructuring of the selection of works as well as the possibility of open-access downloads of constituted reading texts in XML-TEI format.
The research project Arthur Schnitzler digital. Digital Historical-Critical Edition (Works 1905 to 1931) is being carried out by scholars at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal, the University of Cambridge, and University College London in cooperation with the Cambridge University Library, the Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, the Arthur Schnitzler Archive-Freiburg, and the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Its goal is the development of a digital historical-critical edition and its publication within the framework of a publicly accessible online platform hosted by the Cambridge University Library. The German sub-project, founded in early 2012 and funded as a research project of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts under the Academies Program, is working on works from 1914 onwards; the British sub-project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), is working on works from 1905 to 1913.