South Hessian Dictionary Linked to Dictionary Network
Large-scale dictionary of the dialectal and regional lexicons of the southern Hessian language area
08.01.2015 | General, Project News

It is now possible to search the South Hessian Dcitionary via the Dictionary Network.
The South Hessian Dictionary (SHW) is a scientific large dictionary of vernacular and dialectic lexical instances of the Southern Hesse language area. Its main aim is the unravelling and inventory of semantic differences between the standard language and its varieties within the existing vocabulary. The dictionary has been compiled and published by the Hessische Historische Kommission Darmstadt in six volumes between 1965 and 2010 and has since been made available online via the Hessian Regional History Information System (LAGIS).
Via its finalised list of key words, it is now possible to search the SHW as an external component via the Dictionary Network. Whilst this set-up highlights the independent online publication of LAGIS, it also integrates the list of key words into the global search engine of the Dictionary Network. References to the SHW within the entries in the DN will be made accessible as hyperlinks.
Due to its covering of the specific language area, the SHW ideally complements already existing dictionaries covering neighbouring areas such as the Rhenish and the Palatine dictionaries available via the DN.