New Work in Progress blog post published
To visualize August Wilhelm Schlegel's letter network
28.06.2017 | General, Project News
Excerpt from the interactive visualization.
On the occasion of his 250th birthday, the exhibition „August Wilhelm Schlegel: Aufbruch ins romantische Universum“ can be seen from September 6, 2017 in the Goethe House in Frankfurt. Part of the exhibition is an interactive installation that visualizes Schlegel's (1767–1845) network of letters. It was developed by the Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH). The exhibition is supported by the DFG project Digitalisierung und elektronische Edition der Korrespondenz A. W. Schlegels, in which the TCDH is involved, and funded by the Aventis Foundation. Several blog posts will accompany the opening as workshop reports. The first article provided an overview of the installation and referred to the technical fundamentals of digital visualization. In the new blog post, the creative implementation and the work on usability are now highlighted.