"International Campus": Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate Dreyer visits University of Trier & Meets Joshgun Sirajzade
International orientation of the University of Trier was presented
15.07.2015 | General, Project News

International campus: Prime Minister Malu Dreyer and University President Prof. Jäckel with students, 2nd from r. Joshgun Sirajzade. Photo: University of Trier
On 15 June 2015, Malu Dreyer, Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate, visited the University of Trier and gained an insight into its international programmes and foci. Within the frame of this visit, numerous cross-border initiatives and diverse project by students and young researchers were presented under the motto “Universität Trier – ein internationaler Campus” (University of Trier – An International Campus).
TCDH's own Dr. Joshgun Sirajzade took part in a round table discussion with international students and PhD candidates and German students with international experience. Born in Azerbaijan, Dr. Sirajzade has been working for the TCDH since 2012. He supervised the computer-based collation in the long-term project Arthur Schnitzler: The Digital Historical-Critical Edition.
After his degree in Azerbaijani Philology and Turkology (Diplom), he graduated with a Magister Artium degree in IT-Philology from the University of Wurzburg and started his PhD project in Old German Philology at the University of Trier in 2007 (supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudine Moulin). Sirajzade finished his PhD "Das luxemburgischsprachige Œuvre von Michel Rodange (1827–1876). Editionsphilologische und korpuslinguistische Analyse" (Michael Rodange's Luxembourgish Oeuvre: Edition-Philological and Corpuslinguistic Analysis) with a summa cum laude in 2013 and was given an award for his outstanding paper by the Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e.V. in 2014.
In their conversation, Sirajzade told Dreyer why he chose Germany as the country in which to pursue his PhD project and what he particularly likes about the University of Trier: “Ich hätte nirgendwo bessere Bedingungen für meine Ausbildung und Forschung finden können. Die Universität hat in Sachen Internationalisierung in den letzten Jahren einen richtigen Sprung gemacht. Und am Trier Center for Digital Humanities läuft es für mich ja auch beruflich optimal.”
(“I could not have found better conditions for my studies and research anywhere else. When it comes to internationalisations, the university has progressed remarkably in recent years; and at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities I am offered perfect conditions for my job.”)