Digitizing and Electronic Edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel's Correspondence
The version 01-22 is online
26.01.2022 | General, Project News

Portrait of Mme de Staël mentioned in Women painters of the world, from the time of Caterina Vigri, 1413-1463, to Rosa Bonheur and the present day, by Walter Shaw Sparrow, The Art and Life Library, Hodder & Stoughton, 27 Paternoster Row, London
August Wilhelm Schlegel lived for fourteen years (1804-1817) in the circle of the French author and intellectual Germaine de Staël. The time was marked by De Staël's opposition to Napoleon, who forced her and her circle first into exile, then in 1812 even to flee throughout Europe. Especially in Coppet on Lake Geneva, where one of the De Staël estates was located, the illustrious group, which consisted of European intellectuals and artists, met again and again for controversial debates. Stefan Knödler summarizes this period succinctly: "Coppet was a cosmopolitan, anti-Napoleonic Europe in miniature. The richness of the topics negotiated there in conversations and discussions, in letters and publications was also great beyond politics: in literature, French classicism and German romanticism were fused, in philosophy, Enlightenment and idealism, new forms of theater were experimented with, religiously, Protestant, Catholic and mystical directions were mediated, new educational concepts for the Staël children were sought; in life practice - at least by the lady of the house - open forms of relationships with several men were lived." (Stefan Knödler: Coppet. In: Aufbruch uns romantische Universum: August Wilhelm Schlegel. Ed. by Claudia Bamberg and Cornelia Ilbrig. Göttingen 2017, pp. 112-119, here p. 113f.). All of these themes can be found in the letters.
At the end of December 2021, the funding of the Schlegel project by the DFG expired after almost 10 years. In the newly approved project, also funded by the DFG, "Korrespondenzen der Frühromantik. Edition - Annotation - Network Analysis", in which the TCDH is also involved, data from the Digital Edition of the Correspondence of August Wilhelm Schlegel will be evaluated, among other things.