CFP: Beyond Methods of Mining
A Workshop on Doing Historical Research using Digital Data
14.09.2015 | General, Events, Academic exchange

The HERA project Asymmetrical Encounters is organizing a workshop on September 14th and 15th, 2015 on the subject of “Beyond Methods of Mining: A Workshop on Doing Historical Research using Digital Data” at the University of Utrecht.
Numerous digitization projects have already opened up many historical collections and developed tools for using this data. The workshop will discuss how the processed research data can be used for historical research. Above all, questions are asked about the validity of the awards for digital data as well as their interpretation and further use.
Contributions to t.hauswedell [at] (Tessa Hauswedell) and M.J.A.vandenBos [at] (Maarten van den Bos) can still be submitted until April 15, 2015.