Wikimedia Deutschland interviews ‘Mining and Modeling Text’

04.07.2024 | General, Press Releases, Project News, Academic exchange

„Modeling the Enlightenment novel”
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Christos Varvantakis (Wikimedia Deutschland) interviewed the Trier project team for Wikimedia Tech News about the project work in 'Mining and Modeling Text' (TCDH). The project uses the Wikibase software published by Wikimedia Deutschland to create a knowledge graph on the French literary history of the 18th century. 

The interview covers topics such as interoperability or multilingualism of data and the challenges and successes of implementing their own Wikibase instance. They also shed light on the role of Wikibase in the digital humanities and the advantages of linked open data for similar projects.

The interview was published on the Wikimedia Tech News Blog on June 28, 2024.

Tags: Quantitative Analysis, Literary History, Linked Open Data, 18th century