Award-winning Doctoral Thesis now Available Online

Subject „Das luxemburgische Oeuvre von Michel Rodange (1827–1876)“

12.03.2015 | General

Joshgun Sirajzade's dissertation now freely available.
Joshgun Sirajzade

Joshgun Sirajzade's 2013 doctoral dissertation on “Das luxemburgische Oeuvre von Michel Rodange (1827–1876)” (The Luxembourgish Oeuvre of Michel Rodange (1827–1876)), presented at the University of Trier, Department for Linguistics, Literature, and Medie Studies, has now been made available.

Joshgun Sirajzade, member of academic staff at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities, had received an award from the 'Freundeskreis Trierer Universität e.V.' at the Dies Academicus on November 12, 2014, honouring his outstanding doctoral dissertation.

The dissertation is closesly connected to the field of Digital Humanities, draws on its methods and technologies, and productively shows their application with regard to historical-literary language material. Based on Michel Rodange's Luxembourghish oeuvre as its empirical foundation, the paper focuses on the question how a historically significant literary text written in a young, non-standard language can be analysed appropriately with the help of digital methods. The answer to this question lies in the idea of combining classic methodology in German Studies with the most recent procedures in Computational Sciences, acheiving results beyond the scope of those possible by the singular application of only one discipline's set of methods.

Tags: Auszeichnungen, Scientific Support for young Researchers (graduate and scholarship programs)