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Digital Edition and Thematic Indexing of the Writings of Franz Liszt
Liszt Writings Digital
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Westphalian Dictionary (WWB)
Digitalization and Publication of the Westphalian Dictionary (WWB) in the Trier Dictionary Network
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Digital edition of the Shakespeare translations by August Wilhelm Schlegel and the Tieck circle
Genesis and revision
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Middle Latin Dictionary Online
Digitization and Electronic Publication
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Johann Caspar Lavater
Historical-Critical Edition of Selected Correspondences
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Theodor-Fontane-Chronicle and -Bibliography Digital (ChroBi)
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August Wilhelm Schlegel: Critical Edition of the Lectures
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Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande
XML Marking of Fascicles 123-127 and 129-132
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Digitale Edition and Analysis of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514)
Das Digital Portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke" (Prints focusing on Church Relics)
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Digitizing the Revision of the German Dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Retro-Digitalization and the Internet Publication of the Revision of the Dictionary
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German Inscriptions Online
The Inscriptions of the German-Speaking Area in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
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Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (DRG)
The Development of the Digital Dictionary of the Romansh of the Grisons
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The Correspondence of the Mathematician Bernoulli
Recording of Bernoulli Correspondences
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The Salamanca School
A Digital Collection of Sources and a Dictionary of Their Legal and Political Language
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Lexicon Musicum Latinum Medii Aevi (LmL)
Inventory of Latin Music Terminology from the Middle Ages to the End of the 15th Century
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Document Book Transylvania
Document Book on the History of the Germans in Transylvania Online
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Dat Nuwe Boych - The New Book
New Digital Edition, Electronic Publication and Information Network of a Cologne City Chronicle
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Digitization of the „Corpus altdeutscher Originalurkunden“
Old German Original Documents up to the Year 1300 on the Internet
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Lessico Etimologico Italiano
Retrospective Digitization and Electronic Publication of the LEI
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Developing and Networking Lexicographical Knowledge of Luxembourgish
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The Digital Gotthelf
“All Works in 42 Volumes” on DVD-ROM
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Digitization of the Ordbog over det Danske Sprog (ODS)
Digitization of the Historical Danish Dictionaries from 1700 to around 1950
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The Heinrich Heine Portal
An Integrated Information System
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Digital Network of Dialect Dictionaries
Digitization and Networking of Four Dialect Dictionaries
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Repertorium Biblicum
Digitization and Electronic Publication of all Latin Bible Commentaries up to 1500
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Digitization of the „Oekonomische Encyklopädie“ by Johann Georg Krünitz
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Digitization of the Annual Reports for German History for the Years 1925 to 1938
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Records of the Federal Cabinet Online
Retro-Digitization of the Edition „Die Kabinettsprotokolle der Bundesregierung“ (1949–1956) and the Cabinet Committee for Economics 1951–1953
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