Digitale Edition and Analysis of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514)
Das Digital Portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke" (Prints focusing on Church Relics)

Project Management: Universität Trier - Trier Center for Digital Humanities (TCDH)
Project Participants: Universität Trier - Fach Geschichte · Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek der Stadt Trier · Bibliothek des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Trier · Gesellschaft für Nützliche Forschungen zu Trier
Sponsors: Nikolaus Koch Stiftung
Running time: -
Contact person (TCDH): Prof Dr Claudine Moulin
Research Area: Software Systems and Research Infrastructure, Digital Literary and Cultural Studies, Digital Edition and Lexicography
Keywords: Retro Digitization, medieval period, Religious Studies, Bibliotheken, Archive
Website of the Project: Digitized files
In 1514, Johann Enen (approx. 1480–1519), auxiliary bishop and rector of the Old University of Trier, published his main work Medulla Gestorum Treverensium. With the project "Digitale Edition und Erschließung der Medulla Gestorum Treverensium des Johann Enen (1514) als erstes Modul eines digitalen Portals der rheinischen Heiltumsdrucke" (Digital Edition and Analysis of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514) as the first module of a digital portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke" (prints focusing on church relics)), this genre and with it the Rhenish pilgrimage landscape of the late Middle Ages as a whole should be brought into the focus of science. The digital provision of Enen's work was therefore intended to lay the foundation for a comprehensive virtual portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke".
Despite its thematic breadth, the Medulla is primarily assigned to the so-called healing prints - a type of source whose high time coincides with the late medieval and early modern reliquary worship and pilgrimage boom, but which has so far only been insufficiently considered historically and philologically.
Present the Medulla Digitally to Science and the Interested Public
The task of the TCDH was initially the full text digitization of the Medulla as well as the transcription and annotation with Transcribo. The text was then commented on and provided or linked with metadata, e.g. on people and places. These work steps were carried out in the virtual research environment FuD.
It was planned that the digitized image of the Medulla would be presented in a research portal together with the commented full-text edition, freely accessible to science and the interested public. This portal of the "Heiltumsdrucke" should be expanded. As part of the project, in addition to the Medulla, the 12-page book "Ein warhaftiger tractat, wie man das hochwirdig heiligthum verkündt und geweist in der hl. stadt Trier im thum [...]" (A real treatise on how to proclaim the sacred holy and ordinarily in the holy city of Trier in the thum [...]) from 1513 was edited. The joint development of both prints (e.g. cross-text registers and search options) should test the possibilities for semantic networking with a view to the future portal. Unfortunately, the project has not been implemented yet due to a lack of research funding.
Julia Fischer
E-mail: hennemannjuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-3849
Moritz Steffes
E-mail: steffesmuni-trier [dot] de
Phone: +49 651 201-2679