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Princesses' Libraries and Knowledge Practices in 18th-Century Germany
Reconstruction, Function, and Significance
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„Wossidlo-Teuchert“ online
Publication of the Mecklenburg dictionary in the Trier dictionary network and corpus-based bidirectional linking with the "WossiDiA" digital research environment
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The Correspondence of the Natural Philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773-1845)
A scientific indexing and virtual consolidation
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Westphalian Dictionary (WWB)
Digitalization and Publication of the Westphalian Dictionary (WWB) in the Trier Dictionary Network
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Robert Schumann's Poetic World (RSPW)
Drama - Oratorio - Vocal Symphony - Literary Work. Historical-critical hybrid edition
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Ferdinand Tönnies Letters: A Digital Edition
Digitization, inventory and edition of the letter corpus, the letters written by Tönnies.
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Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure
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Correspondences of the Early Romantic Period
Edition - Annotation - Network Research
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The Dictionary Network
Trier Initiative on a Digital Union of Dictionaries
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C. F. Meyers Correspondence. MBW Digital
Historical-Critical Edition Publisher Correspondence: Conrad Ferdinand Meyer, Betsy Meyer - Hermann Haessel
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Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande
XML Marking of Fascicles 123-127 and 129-132
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Zeta and Company
Measures of Distinctiveness for Computational Literary Studies
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Performative Configurations of Projection Art in Popular Knowledge Transfer
Media Archeological Case Studies on the History of Consumer Media and the Screen
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Digital Edition of Peter Fasbender's Pilgrimage Report
(HS 1936/7 8°, Stadtbibliothek Trier)
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Digitization and Electronic Edition of Abraham Gottlob Werner's Correspondence
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Digitizing the Revision of the German Dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Retro-Digitalization and the Internet Publication of the Revision of the Dictionary
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Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (DRG)
The Development of the Digital Dictionary of the Romansh of the Grisons
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Media-Historical, Methodological and Media-Technical Basics of the Digitization of Works of Historical Art of Projection
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Digital Metalexicography of Historical Legal Languages in Europe
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Digitization of the „Corpus altdeutscher Originalurkunden“
Old German Original Documents up to the Year 1300 on the Internet
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Digitization of the Ordbog over det Danske Sprog (ODS)
Digitization of the Historical Danish Dictionaries from 1700 to around 1950
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Digitization of the „Oekonomische Encyklopädie“ by Johann Georg Krünitz
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Records of the Federal Cabinet Online
Retro-Digitization of the Edition „Die Kabinettsprotokolle der Bundesregierung“ (1949–1956) and the Cabinet Committee for Economics 1951–1953
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