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Wine Labels in Transition
Digitization, Indexing, Presentation and Dissemination of Collections of Historical and Modern Wine Labels from the Moselle Region
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Ferdinand Tönnies Letters: A Digital Edition
Digitization, inventory and edition of the letter corpus, the letters written by Tönnies.
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Computational Literary Studies Infrastructure
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The Dictionary Network
Trier Initiative on a Digital Union of Dictionaries
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Digitizing and Electronic Edition of August Wilhelm Schlegel's Correspondence
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Destroyed cultural heritage - a student project
Collecting, visualizing and accessing the destruction of cultural heritage
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Arthur Schnitzler Digital
The Digital Historical-Critical Edition
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The Digital Grimm
The German Dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
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Digitalization of the Plock Bible
Methods of Exploration
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Scandal CULTURE Reloaded
Exploring Literary Affairs VIRTUALLY
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Digitization and Electronic Edition of Abraham Gottlob Werner's Correspondence
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Kurt Schwitters' Intermedia Networks of the Avant-garde
The Merz Series (1923-1932) and Merz-"Drucksachen"
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Digitale Edition and Analysis of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514)
Das Digital Portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke" (Prints focusing on Church Relics)
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eXplore! - Expansion of the Trier Center for Digital Humanities
Computer-Aided Modeling, Analysis and Exploration as the Basis for eScience in the Humanities
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Epistolary Networks | Exilnetz33
Visualising Multi-Dimensional Information Structures in Correspondence Corpora
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Algorithms for the Automatic Tagging of Medieval Manuscripts
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Media-Historical, Methodological and Media-Technical Basics of the Digitization of Works of Historical Art of Projection
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Virtual Scriptorium St. Matthias
Digitization and Virtual Reconstruction of the Medieval Library
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