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Linked Open Data in den Geisteswissenschaften
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Word families diachronic (WoDia)
A research environment for the historical word formation of German
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„Wossidlo-Teuchert“ online
Publication of the Mecklenburg dictionary in the Trier dictionary network and corpus-based bidirectional linking with the "WossiDiA" digital research environment
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The Dictionary Network
Trier Initiative on a Digital Union of Dictionaries
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Middle Latin Dictionary Online
Digitization and Electronic Publication
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The Digital Grimm
The German Dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
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Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande
XML Marking of Fascicles 123-127 and 129-132
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Modular Publication Environment for XML-Encoded Dictionaries
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oXygen Framework - Graphical Author Mode
For the Editorial Creation and Editing of XML-Based Dictionary Articles
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Dictionary of Old Uighur
An Access to Turkish Culture
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eHumanities-Center for Historical Lexikography
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Digitizing the Revision of the German Dictionary by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm
The Retro-Digitalization and the Internet Publication of the Revision of the Dictionary
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Dicziunari Rumantsch Grischun (DRG)
The Development of the Digital Dictionary of the Romansh of the Grisons
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A Font of the TCDH Based on Linux Libertine for Digital Publications
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XML Print
A module for Printing Scientific Texts with Complex Typesetting Layout Requirements Based on XML Data
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Lexicon Musicum Latinum Medii Aevi (LmL)
Inventory of Latin Music Terminology from the Middle Ages to the End of the 15th Century
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Digital Metalexicography of Historical Legal Languages in Europe
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Document Book Transylvania
Document Book on the History of the Germans in Transylvania Online
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Information System on the Grammar of Luxembourgish
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Cusanus Portal
Electronic Publication of the “Opera Omnia” by Nikolaus von Kues with Lexicon, Translation and Bibliography
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Lessico Etimologico Italiano
Retrospective Digitization and Electronic Publication of the LEI
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Developing and Networking Lexicographical Knowledge of Luxembourgish
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Animaliter - Animals in Medieval Literature
An Interdisciplinary Lexicon
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Digitization of the Ordbog over det Danske Sprog (ODS)
Digitization of the Historical Danish Dictionaries from 1700 to around 1950
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Digital Network of Dialect Dictionaries
Digitization and Networking of Four Dialect Dictionaries
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