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Paul Fleming
Complete edition of the Latin and German works of Paul Fleming with translation of the Latin works as well as commentary and indexes to the complete works
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“All of Vienna was laughing at me”
amily and Court Relations in the Memoirs of Countess Luise Charlotte von Schwerin (1684-1732)
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The Correspondence of the Natural Philosopher Henrik Steffens (1773-1845)
A scientific indexing and virtual consolidation
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The printing works Reulandt
A Research Project on Early Modern Media History in the Trier-Luxembourg Area
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Wine Labels in Transition
Digitization, Indexing, Presentation and Dissemination of Collections of Historical and Modern Wine Labels from the Moselle Region
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Destroyed cultural heritage - a student project
Collecting, visualizing and accessing the destruction of cultural heritage
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The Digital Grimm
The German Dictionary by Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
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Digitalization of the Plock Bible
Methods of Exploration
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Glossaire des Patois de la Suisse Romande
XML Marking of Fascicles 123-127 and 129-132
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Digital Edition of Peter Fasbender's Pilgrimage Report
(HS 1936/7 8°, Stadtbibliothek Trier)
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Digitale Edition and Analysis of the Medulla Gestorum Treverensium by Johann Enen (1514)
Das Digital Portal of the Rhenish "Heiltumsdrucke" (Prints focusing on Church Relics)
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Virtual Scriptorium St. Matthias
Digitization and Virtual Reconstruction of the Medieval Library
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Dat Nuwe Boych - The New Book
New Digital Edition, Electronic Publication and Information Network of a Cologne City Chronicle
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